A Movable Feast

Mardi Gras is fast approaching with its vast array of spectacular shapes and colors all manifesting into one great orgy, indulging and gorging (Fat Tuesday) oneself before the solemn season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. After studying the Lanka, it’s apparent that this event serves as a metaphor to the greatest movable feast of them all—the Alaya vijnana. You will find in the archive here numerous references to two contrasting principles: The Unmoving Principle and the Moving Principle. It wasn’t apparent until once again going over the Lanka in depth that these two principles can be seen in light of the “twin” effect: the Tathagata garbha and the Alaya vijnana. As we have seen through the study of the Lanka, these two terms are interchangeable as their essential stature is linked together as a mirrored reflection of the womb of suchness: tathata. The Tathagata garbha is Unmoving, motionless, yet utterly dynamic in Its ability to initiate contact with its quite vivacious twin, the Alaya vijnana; although not positioned in the realm of movement, It, in effect, “turns away” from its position-less stature in the Unborn and somehow becomes (animates) enraptured with the moving antics (animations) of Its precocious sibling—something that the Hindu’s describe as Shiva-dancing.

The emphasis within this particular blog is on the Alaya-vijnana and its ability to mirror the animating aptitude of its consanguineous rival, the Tathagata garbha. When not acted upon, this Alaya (receptacle) remains perfectly calm—motionless, just like its counterpart. Yet, once movement is initiated, it becomes a most overly-active child indeed—exploding in a vast array of kaleidoscope activity. This activity is what fascinates the unwary mind and entraps it into the unending chain of events known as dependent origination—perpetually spinning round and round on the rapid roller-coaster ride known as samsara. In this sense, the Alaya vijnana (elements of consciousness) is the absolute master of the saha world; it is the vast reservoir of all images (projections) par excellence. It is Mara’s playground. It also reeks of extreme extrovertism. It is what rules the roost in samsara, heavily and noisily activating its commercialized (endless array of images) patterns over and over and over. It is patterned reality itself and thus truly illusional and delusional in its inability to see that it is just a mirrored reflection of the animating Mind—distorted, just like in a fun-house filled with aberrated mirrors. Yes, it is like an endless run of commercials bombarding the senses (skandhic prism) with an insatiable appetite. Quite a nasty little brat indeed; yet, it is worshipped and held in highest esteem with the powers that be in the saha-kingdom. It is the evil clown on Mardi Gras day because the joke is always on the perceiver of its nefarious antics. It is the no-self (perceiver) as opposed to the Self (not dependent upon perceptions). It is what you see (perceive) as your own apparent reality. It is what holds you spellbound with an incapacity to escape from its ever watchful hold. It is the watcher in the night, making sure that you are always beholden to it alone. It exploits your every move. It is what you Google now with the nefarious ads popping up everywhere on your shoulders and making sure that it’s always inside your head knowing your every move and desire. The grand puppeteer making sure that you dance to its every whim within its movable feast. Yes, it is every move you make and every breath you take…

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2 Responses to A Movable Feast

  1. Zerthimon says:

    In my country – Slovenia – we have a funny Carnival tradition called “Kurentovanje”. It’s so old that not even historians know its origins (but it’s pretty sure it’s rooted in Slavic Paganism) – these “devils” walk through villages and cities and jump around. Pretty goofy, but it’s my favorite tradition of this country:


    I think this “dancing devil” form is the most ancient and predates all other carnivalesque manifestations.

  2. Bodhichild says:

    Pretty-wild! Loved-it! 🙂

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