The Presentation of Vajrasattva




Arising from the vajropama-samādhi, the Elect discovered himself being drawn towards a chapel of light whose entrance appeared in the center of the antechamber. He was then drawn to a rectangular pool of water within which he was slowly submerged.  


The surface of the pool reflected the Mirror-like Wisdom as personified by Dhyanī Buddha Akhobhya. From within this watery-skin of Akhobhya, the Elect with one-pointedness of Mind discerned that the crown of his own head was becoming filled with a full-moon disc in the center of which a vibrating White-O appeared, revealing the presence of Dhyani Buddha Vairocana who requested that the Tathagatas of the ten directions come and bless the Elect’s form as the Vajra-Body. The Elect, now fully discerning and identifying himself with the Vajra-Body recited the mantra: OM SARVA TATHAGATA KAYA VAJRA SVABHAVA ATMAKO AHAM. 

The Elect then visualized that on the center of his tongue a red A appeared along with a rising eight-petaled Lotus. Dhyanī Buddha Amitabha manifested and requested that the Tathagatas of the ten directions bless the Elect’s speech as Vajra-Speech. Discerning the rising Vajra-Speech of all Enlightened Beings welling-up within him, the Elect recited the mantra: OM SARVA TATHAGATA VAK VAJRA SVABHAVA ATMAKO AHAM.  

Subsequently, the Elect visualized that the center of his heart radiated a dynamic HŪ resting on an incandescent sun-disc. Soon a host of bubbly-Akhobhya’s filled the pool as the Elect realized there was no difference between himself and the Royal-Blue Dhyanī Buddha. United now as such with Akhobhya the Elect called upon the Tathagatas of the ten directions to bless his mind as the Vajra-Mind, reciting the mantra: OM SARVA TATHAGATA CITTA VAJRA SVABHAVA ATMAKO AHAM.  

Thus the Elect is now the active reflex of Akhobhya, that side of his being that is turned towards the world; his heart enflamed with the immutable and indestructible Vajra-Element-of-Truth—the direct-experience of Reality in which all Wisdoms are fused into one with the all-embracing spiritual-solidarity nurtured by the grace of Arya Tārā.  

Rising from opposite ends of the pool, Amoghasiddhi and Ratnasambhava Buddhas escorted the Elect out of the water and led him to an awaiting seat of honor. The Sacred Crown, Bell and Vajra were then bestowed upon him… 

Behold now Vajrasattva—the Being of Adamantine Substance as Body, Speech, and Mind of the Tathagatas; the self-same Bodhi-Mind being the nature of the Vajra—Itself the Buddhahood. This is the adamantine truth—Vajrasattva, the perfectly enlightened One, as the perfected Vajrakāya generated through Sambodhi. 



Arising from the vajropama-samādhi, the Elect discovered himself: notice now how the emphasis has shifted from Acintapa Mahasiddha as an isolated entity into the “Elect”—representative of all yogis/yoginis who have reached this heightened stage. 

to a rectangular pool of water within which he was slowly submerged: this signifies that a type of Spiritually-Transcendent Baptism is about to occur.

The surface of the pool reflected the Mirror-like Wisdom as personified by Dhyanī Buddha Akhobhya: the pool is the mystically-mirrored body of Akṣhobhya.

Vairocana who requested that the Tathagatas of the ten directions come and bless the Elect’s form as the Vajra-Body: Vairocana represents the Vajra-Body, or the Dharmakaya aspect.

Amitabha manifested and requested that the Tathagatas of the ten directions bless the Elect’s speech as Vajra-Speech: Amitabha represents the Sambhogakaya aspect.

United now as such with Akhobhya the Elect called upon the Tathagatas of the ten directions to bless his mind as the Vajra-Mind: the Elect is now At-One-Ment with the Divine Mirrored-Consciousness (Akṣhobhya-element) Itself, as enshrined “Nirmanakayaic-ly” within the Elect’s Heart. Thus, the opening Revelation as given by Vajradhara Buddha (The Cardinal Dynamism of the Unborn) to Vajarpanī has been fulfilled.

Amoghasiddhi and Ratnasambhava: their presence completes the Action of All-encompassing Wisdom and Divine Equanimity.

the perfectly enlightened One, as the perfected Vajrakāya generated through Sambodhi: in a very real sense this now completes the “Four-Buddha-bodies”: the Dharmakaya, the Sambhogakaya, the Nimanakaya and the Vajrakaya… the latter representing the nexus of the “fourth-dimension of Consciousness”, or the “Full” integration of corporeal experience with the infinite Dharmakaya as expressed through the spiritual-creativity of the Sambhogakaya, generated by the power and juice of enlightened-consciousness.  

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