Yoga is the remedy for transcending the Kharmadhatu


2.39 The foundation for your Self-realization has been laid. Now put on the Mantle of the Yogic Enterprise that can free your mind from its karmic-prison.

Up to this point Arjuna has been taught the key to Self-realization. Now the Blessed One will offer the beginning of yogic-techniques that can help to reinforce the Recollective Resolve. This is an introduction to karma-yoga in the Gita. Through yogic actions Arjuna’s resolution in upholding the Dharma can be sustained. While yoga within the Gita is not as systematized like Patañjali’s Yoga Sutras, loose associations with its principles will occur from time to time.

2.40 Nothing is wasted in undertaking these yogic-actions. You will find yourself being sustained through your sacred duties as all fears will be subdued.

Yogic-techniques are very beneficial in bracketing any-thing that attempts to preoccupy the Yogin’s mind. One can’t go-it-alone without some support from spiritual-disciplines. This needs to be a holistic-endeavor, so that Body-Mind-Spirit achieves equilibrium. Much of this was covered in the Bardo-One sections of the Lankavatarian Book of the Dead.

2.41 The obstructed mind gets lost in the maze of its own making. Direct-One-Pointedness of Mind assures a Recollective spirit wherein a singular-focus becomes the only necessary thing.

Direct, unobstructed singular-ness of  Mind allays the night of a thousand uncertainties and fears.

2.42 Dependence upon the Vedas alone only assures a tepid-spirit.

The Gita begins some commentaries that forewarn the reader that over-dependence upon the flowery-essence of scripture and accompanying rituals only entraps the mind in spectral-impressions.

2.43 The exclusive Vedic-mind reeks of eternalism as visions of magnanimous heavens and the smells and bells of ritual only reinforce exotericism at its worst.

Arjuna is being advised by the Blessed One to not become dependent upon external sanctimonious sanctions that can only dull the spirit into a false-sense of security; the only fruit borne by such “religious” activities  guarantees the descent into future karmic-states.

2.44 Those obsessed with these exoteric activities become attached to pockets of delusion and hence cannot fix their minds one-pointedly in deep Samadhi.

The Gita places a high premium on Yogic-Discipline over and above the oftentimes delusional episodes that are resultant from too much reliance on religious observances alone.

2.45 The Vedas make reference to the gunas. Arjuna, don’t become fixated on the three gunas, instead transcend them and you won’t fall into the quagmire of dualism at the expense of remaining centered in your True-Self.

The Blessed One exhorts Arjuna to ascend all dualistic poles of attraction, even the naturalistic pull of the three gunas. Just remaining centered in the Unborn will suffice.

2.46 For those who enjoy the company of the Shining Ones, heavy reliance on the scriptures is about as useful as taking refuge in a pond during a raging flood.

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