Right Attitude

right transcendence 

3.31 Those that live fully attuned with my teachings, with undivided faith in the Unborn, are freed from the karmic wheel.

The wise keep their minds wholeheartedly on the Dharma, with no wavering within the mind of skandhic consciousness. Such a spirit is thus freed from the wild-spin of karma.

3.32 Those that violate the Dharmatic-Law, through incessant complaining and over scrutinizing, are utterly deluded and are the direct cause of their karmic suffering.

This truly is the frozen-state of the intellect, thus creating its own self-made hell.

3.33 Compulsory thoughts and actions are a direct hindrance to the natural-way of the Unborn. One’s spirit needs to follow this natural-way and not the way of fleeting tendencies within the gunas.

What’s the use of complaining about the affairs of the gunas? Let them have their play. More natural-still is to go with the singular-flow of the Unborn.

3.34 Both attraction and aversion are natural inclinations for the skandhic-ridden mind. Don’t come under the dominion of the skandhas, for they will surely cause distress.

Always be mindful that both attraction and aversion are skandhic-based; mere discriminatory tools for those who are ruled by the skandhas.

3.35 Remember to embrace the Dharma of your calling, however imperfectly initiated, than to follow the dharma of another, however well-versed.

Nicely articulated by Yogananda:

Man’s first and highest obligation is to follow those righteous principles and actions pertinent to the unfoldment of the Self (Sva). Even if one is presently devoid of adequate qualifications for perfect performance of divine duties, it is far better to die with the good karma of spiritual effort that moves him nearer to his goal than to spend life in egotistic bondage to opposite (para) duties that are imposed on man by Nature, and which cater to sensory satisfactions. Mo matter how well accomplished, material goals, unlike spiritual attainments, are fraught with inevitable disappointments and sorrow—all the fears and dangers inherent in a life lived in ignorance of the true Self. (Yogananda, pg 403)

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2 Responses to Right Attitude

  1. n. yeti says:

    Svatantrya is the renunciation to Shankar, who does not relinquish the atman. Sva (self) is not the atman, but a substantial essence of this atman. Thus such practice is consistent across creeds and divisions who renounce the atman in its entirety, as it is traditional in the kashmiri line. The manifestation of will is present in the skandhas, and without defect at the supreme, being one essence with everything. Non – substantialists may renounce differently in liturgy, but the essence is the same Salvation of mind present in world-dharma, .i.e, that which is buddhific and good. An encounter where things are resolved mano a mano with the atman. That sva should appear here should not be interpreted as an argument for materialism, nor should its presence be reduced to a tautology. No, this unified oneness is known by many dharmas, and doeth not to divide.

  2. Methexis says:

    This is the good one:

    “3.35 Remember to embrace the Dharma of your calling, however imperfectly initiated, than to follow the dharma of another, however well-versed. “

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