(43) A Karma Float


When old karma is triggered by precise condition patterns, much like dormant genes in biological cell-structures are triggered by special viruses and other protein chains of various chemical combinations, they float up to the tangible spectral perception range of the body consciousness.

Once there they start to “form” connections with other information chains floating around like small islands of three-and four-dimensional information imagery.

The untrained mind, caught in the deep habit of continuously interpreting these information spots, trying to make sense of them, reacts every time because it is in deep interdependence with this extremely rapid interchange of data, image streams. Like one drunk on too much alcohol, the over-stimulated mind becomes depressed, angry, happy, desireful, lustful, hopeful and so on…

Nothing of the appearing and disappearing karma-data streams are real in themselves.

They only seem and feel real because the luminous substance of the Unborn Mind enables this artificiality with its own hidden light of absolute reality.

It takes the awesome animative power of absolute reality to make a single image shine as apparently real.

So, think about that the next time before you take a desirous sip on that Karma Float…

Instead, contemplate on that real marvelous and animative treasure within yourself…

Used wisely, it will highlight a source of sheer nirvanic perfection…

Unwisely used…

It can become…

A living nightmare…

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