The Yoga of Akshobhya


1.0 Akshobhya is the Matrix of the Diamond Mind

The Akshobhya-family houses the Sacred Vajra that is the indestructible and immutable symbol of one’s own Buddha-essence. The following are highlights of its attributes:


The Vajra is the quintessential symbol of Vajrayana Buddhism, which derives its name from the vajra itself. The Sanskrit term vajra means ‘the hard or mighty one’, and its Tibetan equivalent dorje means an indestructible hardness and brilliance like the diamond, which cannot be cut or broken. The vajra essentially symbolizes the impenetrable, immovable, immutable, indivisible, and indestructible state of enlightenment or Buddhahood.

The form of the vajra as a scepter or a weapon appears to have its origin in the single or double trident, which arose as a symbol of the thunderbolt or lightning in many ancient civilizations of the Near and Middle East. Parallels are postulated with the meteoric hammer of the Teutonic sky-god Thor, the thunderbolt and scepter of the Greek sky-god Zeus, and the three thunderbolts of the Roman god Jupiter.

As a hurled weapon the indestructible thunderbolt blazed like a meteoric fireball across the heavens, in a maelstrom of thunder, fire and lightning.

In ancient India, the vajra, as a thunderbolt, became the chief weapon of the Vedic sky-god Indra. It controlled the forces of thunder and lightning, breaking open the monsoon storm clouds, bringing the welcome rains to the parched plains of an Indian summer. According to legend, Indra’s thunderbolt was fashioned from the bones of the great Rishi Dadhichi, who was decapitated by Indra in sacrifice.
Dadhichi’s ‘indestructible’ skull-bones gave Indra the most powerful of weapons. By its energy he slew innumerable of his enemy demons. In mythological descriptions, Indra’s thunderbolt or vajra is shaped either like a circular discus with a hole at its center, or in the form of a cross with transverse bladed bars.

The Rigveda, the most ancient text in the world, identifies the vajra as a notched metal club with a thousand prongs. What is significant is that all these descriptions identify the vajra as having open prongs, unlike the Buddhist one, which has closed prongs. According to a Buddhist legend, Shakyamuni took the vajra weapon from Indra and forced its wrathful open prongs together, thus forming a peaceful Buddhist scepter with closed prongs. The Buddhist vajra hence absorbed the unbreakable and indestructible power of the thunderbolt.

2.0 The Vajra-field is the adamantine core whose resiliency repels and neutralizes any attacks of the evil one 

The supernal-nature of the Vajra-field acts like a cloaking-device that totally envelopes the Mind adept’s bioelectronic-signature, likened unto the Vajra-body described in the previous blog-post.

3.0 Vajra-pride consists in Being-a-Deity 

Vajra-pride is the immovable-dignity of one’s inner-Deityhood that is the embodiment of one’s Buddha-nature.

3.1 The Vajrasattva is a Diamond-Mind Being 

4.0 The Vajra is the symbol of the dharmatic-principle representative of Ultimate Reality in the very heart of the Sugatagarbha 

This highlights the irresistible nature that subdues all dualisms whilst simultaneously remaining invulnerable and impervious to them.

5.0 Vajraśekhara is the principle that disperses the darkness of ignorance 

Essentially this means the “Vajra-peak” whose dynamic function is infallible in the face of all evil; indeed it’s Luminous-heights far outreach and outclasses any devious designs of the evil one and his disciples.

6.0 The Vajra-Mind Wheel houses the Blue-colored Deities of the Akshobhya-family


The crystalline seed-syllable HUM releases all of the Akshobhyin-energies that are manifestations of Akshobhya and his consort, Mamaki. When entranced, the Yogin/Yogini are empowered to navigate these energies in the area of the Heart (Self-Chakra). One envisions a tiny bindu-point of light emanating from the seed-syllable that expands into Akshobhya and Mamaki which in turn branches-out to a thousand points of Blue-Light. Then the process is reversed, thus returning to the bindu point, which in itself dissolves into the imageless Unborn.

7.0 Mamaki is the Feminine Principle that [activates] the all-knowing Buddha-Eye of the Blessed Sugata 

Mamaki provides the activation of the Tathatic-Principle wherein the spiritual-eye in which the Tathagatas sees the yogin is the same Buddhaic-Eye wherein the yogin/Mind adept sees the Blessed Sugata.


8.0 Akshobhya’s Mirror-like Wisdom is the Mind-portal wherein one discerns that the Dharmadhatu is ever-present and permeates all

Once the skandhic-smudges are cleansed through the Yogic-Resolve, the Mirrored Reality of the All reveals the true Faceless-face before one was born.

9.0 The mantra for Mamaki’s appearance is MAM DANG RA MAM TING DU 

9.1 Meditation with her submerges the three-poisons, dissolving their influence through peaceful, inner-flowing rivers whose mystic-waters are channeled throughout the environs of the psyche 

9.2 As the meditation dissolves and one departs from the Crystalline-Blue Realm of Akshobhya, you too, dissolve-away in Mamaki’s Divine-Eye


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