Technique #3: Chakra Stimulation

Question: You just referred to the Sugata-garbha; you also mention in Dhyana Technique #3, or the Chakra Stimulation Technique, that the Sugata-garbha Chakra is the “seat of knowledge from which the subtle energy flow of Unborn Light Reiki empowers one to remain balanced and focused in the Recollective Resolve…and that its quality is one of Primordial, maternal joy.” Are you saying then, in reference to the conclusion of the Binzuru-Ho Technique that one is actually merging with this Chakra in order to effectively stifle the agitation of the skandhas, much like a mother would quieten a troubled child?

Vajragoni: I see you’ve been studying and practicing your Dhyana Techniques! Yes, and you’ve expressed it in a most moving fashion. The conclusion of the Binzuru-Ho Technique is foreshadowing the nature of the Sugata-garbha Chakra.

Question: I see that you value the nature of the Chakras to a great degree and that they play a significant, one could almost say a dominant, role in your ongoing formulation of the Dhyana Techniques. You start off explaining their nature in their traditional form, and then you define them as seen through the lens of UBLR; how did you ever arrive at such definitions?

Vajragoni: Their nature in Light of the Unborn were inspired and “revealed” to me by the Unborn Spirit. As Ch’an teacher Tozen has written: “‘Revelation’ which is a natural derivate of its Latin origin ‘Spiritus’ – In our spirit. And yes, it is in our unborn spirit we seek the truth and there the truth will be revealed to us once the worldly is not disturbing the Mind that beholds the awareness power of its own deathless spirit.” So why were they revealed in different fashion from their usual and traditional sense? Again, from Tozen: “The way of the Buddha Mind is not to accept things as they are because when the truth reveals itself (to your spirit), there comes the revelation of what truly IS perfectly in its own magnificent wisdom AS SUCH and the joyful awakening from the illusion spirit once believed to be as such.”

Question: Does this imply, then, that the traditional interpretation of the Chakras is insufficient as understood through the lens of the Unborn?

Vajragoni: Firstly, their traditional interpretations have been redacted (altered or changed) over and over again throughout the millennia, so that what one is left with as to their “original” significance has been watered down…so much so that they are now chiefly portrayed as extensions of one’s emotional body as exemplified through various psychological terminology as to their respective natures. Secondly, New Age influences have contributed to rather dubious notions as to their character…with terminology that also waters down their significance to what essentially constitutes the emotional body; although it’s cloaked in terminology that states their inherent nature resides in auraic fields. One can see why that when the Chakras are “perceived” in this fashion that they contain both positive and negative characteristics; indeed, they are nothing more than fanciful impressions conceived by a skandhic infested mind that dreams itself into pluralized stenosis. Hence, the Chakras when perceived in this way are in actuality ghostly reflections of the Skandhic will.

Question: You do mention that when experienced through the lens of UBLR that there are no “negative” characteristics associated with the Chakras.

Vajragoni: In essence, as seen through the lens of UBLR the Chakras are spirits of concentrated bodhi and they are fully empowered by Sambodhi, which is the focused and sustained power of bodhicitta or enlightened consciousness wherein the Deathless Mind shines in triumphant Unborn Light…where “both” positive and negative attributes are void in the Light of Tathata (Suchness, or As-IT-is-ness)…they just are AS SUCH and have nothing to do with cognitive mis-interpretations that are characteristic of all dualistic notions like positive or negative.

Question: You refer to sambodhi when you describe the Primordial Dragon Chakra. Why is this important when considering this first Chakra?

Vajragoni: Sambodhi nurtures the inter-connectiveness between all the Chakras and keeps them fully attuned with bodhipower and the Primordial Dragon Chakra is the “jump start” to this process since it’s the “root” containing the juice (energy) of all Primordial Buddhas before created time itself.

Question: Traditionally, the “root” chakra is the seat of primal, “kundalini” or serpent power and is considered to be pretty risqué because one is tapping into a very “earthy” and instinctual-sexual energy center; you seem to be implying the opposite here…that one should trust in it explicitly.

Vajragoni: Ahhh, ah ha…you’ve put your finger on it exactly! Rather than connecting one down into earthy-sensate phenomena, the Primordial Dragon Chakra incurs right reliance in the way of deathlessness as its roots are primordially drawn from the very vivifying Source ITself and hence not affiliated with the “created sphere” in any way, shape or manner. Contained within it are great energy reserves of bodhipower that, when activated, nurture the other Chakras with Sambodhi thus cleansing them from the defiled seeds (bija) of the Alaya-vijnana by supplanting them with bodhi-seeds of illumined Vidyaa (awareness). That’s why the initial stages of the Chakra Stimulation Technique begins with circular motions that are symbolic of the “rising” energy of bodhicitta; this begins at the root, the Primordial Dragon Chakra, and then in like fashion through the rest of the Chakras; then, the process is reversed thus “sealing” them with Reikian Light Energy. What is actually occurring here can be demonstrated in the following flow chart:

Concentrated Sambodhi is released through the Primordial Dragon Chakra–>

Its then refined within the Bodhi Chakra, thus heightening the Recollective Spirit of undivided self-awareness (Vidyaa)–>

This in turn is absorbed within the Supreme Womb of Buddhaic Light (Sugata-garbha Chakra), thereby strengthening the spiritual ascent to–>

The Self-Chakra, wherein the Self fully recollects ITself as the Unborn Spirit through the Noble self-realization of Noble Wisdom, which in turn empowers the–>

Dharmasota Chakra that fully expresses the Unborn Will of the Dharmatā Buddha through the soundless sound (Parato ghosa) of deathlessness that stimulates–>

The Dragon Eye of Tathata Chakra that sees with Unborn Eyes the truth of deathlessness within the Dharma seat of Noble Wisdom ITself through intuitive resourcefulness that is not hindered by the cognitive dissonance of the illusive mind as the gateless gate of the Ariyan Mind is thus opened to reveal the–>

Dharmamegha Chakra, the place of transcending peace and repose in the Unborn Will that fosters the supramundane realization that this singular-seat is all THAT IS thereby assuring lasting tranquility as well as ultimate healing and inspirational power from the Unborn Mind.

And then, of course, the process is reversed as the Noble Light of Unborn Reiki effectively seals this inter-connectiveness.


Shoden Session #3: Chakra Stimulation Technique

Chakra stimulation technique:

Although the chakras were not incorporated into Original Usui Reiki, their significance in Light of the Unborn are profound and this technique can help to develop a deep appreciation into their mystic meaning. The word Chakra in Sanskrit means, “wheel”; the Pali word is Chakka and means, “turning the wheel of truth”. Just as a generator transfers and regulates the flow of energy for a community, so do these whirlpools of “light” filter the vital life force that originates from the Primordial Source ITself. The chakras are actually “spirits of concentrated life-force”, or prana. There are seven main chakras and each of them has a spiritual quality; the one salient point to remember here is that each chakra has a consciousness all its own, one that is also infused with collective karmic forms that originate from within the Alaya-vijnana (Storehouse consciousness).

The following are traditional interpretations of the Chakras:

  1. Muladhara (Root Chakra; also known as Kundalini or the seat of coiled serpent power): located at the base of the spine and is responsible for grounding one’s life in physical existence. Its positive attributes are spontaneity and a deep appreciation of life; its negative characteristics include a clinging to material existence and attachment to one’s ego and desires, as well as the root of all addictions.
  2. Swadhisthana (Lower Abdomen Chakra): located a few inches below the navel and is considered to be the center of the personality. Its positive attributes includes the free sharing of one’s emotions and happily being connected to life; its negative characteristics include being unable to express one’s feelings as it suppresses natural needs, like sharing sexual intimacy.
  3. Manipura (Solar Plexus Chakra): located in the Solar Plexus in the region above the navel. Its positive attributes are being able to achieve self-mastery; its negative characteristics are needing to be in control of one’s life all of the time and clinging to material security.
  4. Anahata (Heart Chakra): located in the area of the heart and is the center of compassion. Its positive attributes are acceptance of what is and a balance of the material and spiritual; its negative characteristics are not being able to accept self-love and the love of others.
  5. Visuddha (Throat Chakra): located in the area of the throat. Its positive attributes include a healthy balance between speech and silence as well as knowing how to listen to and trust one’s intuition; its negative characteristics include the fear of being judged and rejected and being afraid of silence.
  6. Ajna (Third Eye Chakra): located in the middle of the forehead. Its positive attributes include inviting intuition and awareness as well as connecting to the Source of life; its negative characteristics include only seeing the surface meaning of life and being afraid of intuition.
  7. Sahasra (Crown Chakra): located on the top of the crown. Its positive attributes reinforce the knowledge of Unity and how the self reflects the divine; its negative characteristics reflect an unwillingness to let go of anxiety and fear as well as being depressed and uncentered.

These seven are usually depicted in this fashion:

The Chakras as seen and experienced through the lens of Unborn Light Reiki:

  1. Primordial Dragon Chakra: This is the seat, or “root”, of primordial energy as well as Prajna and it is located at the base of the spine; when allowed to rise it awakens bodhicitta, or enlightened consciousness…which in turn strengthens sambodhi, or the focused and sustained power of bodhicitta. This is the most essential of all chakras as it “roots out” the defiled bija (seeds) of the Alaya-vijnana. Symbolically, this is the root of Illumined Vidyaa (awareness) perched atop the Mount of Primordial Perfection where the surveillant Dragon Eye alone surmounts any hindrance to the self-realization of Noble Wisdom.
  2. Bodhi Chakra: The inner nursery of the Bodhi-child, located in the Dantian. Its quality is one of primordial innocence and childlike joy, devoid of prejudice and attachments of the discriminatory mind. Indeed, its dignity and tremendous sense of mission as a Light Bringer (Bodhisattva) awakens the very Realm of Noble Wisdom within one’s inmost self. By nurturing the qualities of the Bodhi Chakra through sambodhi we begin to Recollect the Way home to the Unborn Mind through a Spirit of undivided self-awareness.
  3. Sugata-garbha Chakra: The supreme womb of Buddhaic Light, located above the navel. This is the chakra that sustains satisfaction and contentment. It is the center that strengthens one’s spiritual ascent to the Unborn. It is the seat of knowledge from which the subtle energy flow of Unborn Light Reiki empowers one to remain balanced and focused in the Recollective Resolve. Its quality is one of primordial, maternal joy.
  4. The Self-Chakra: The fourth chakra, the chakra of the Self, representing the True Self, our Unborn Spirit; located in the center of the chest. This Self is eternally pure and unaffected from defiled sensate phenomena. This is the area from which our True ACTIONS flow. After the self-realization of Noble Wisdom, our attention becomes connected to our Unborn Spirit and we gradually become aware of IT. All of our conditioning fades away in Dharmameghic Ecstasy and we become attuned to our True Primordial Perfection.
  5. Dharmasota Chakra: The chakra through which one attains the Dharma-ear thus expressing the sound (Parato ghosa) of deathlessness; located in the throat. When opened by the Primordial Dragon Chakra, all former attachments and afflictions and associations are dispelled as the sweet bodhi-breath of the Suchchild reflects the compassionate voice of the Sugata. This is the seat of self-expression of the Dharmatā (the inner essence that is realized inwardly by one’s inmost Self), the place of surrendering personal will to the Unborn Will…a place of choosing between faith in the Unborn Recollective Resolve or fear.
  6. The Dragon Eye of Tathata Chakra: The energy center of intuition THAT sees the difference between truth and illusion; located in the center of the forehead. It is the entrance to the gateless gate of the Ariyan Mind (the mind that is instilled with Noble Wisdom: Aryajnana), of trusting what you cannot see more than what you see in the skandhic prison which is sunya. This is the Dharma Seat of Noble Wisdom ITself. It’s also the place of focus, or the Pi Kuan point. This is symbolized by the Black Dragon Eye Mandala:

  1. Dharmamegha Chakra: The seat of singularity, located on top of the crown. The direct connection to the Unborn Spirit through the Recollective Vigilance of the bodhi-child; a place of transcending peace and focused relationship with the Unborn Will. The Dharma Cloud, the place of Right Release with the supramundane realization that the rupakaya (personal form) is a mere bubble in the sea of infinite creative light. Regular meditation with this chakra will affect full self-realization of Noble Wisdom as well as affecting illumination and ultimate healing and inspirational power from the Unborn Mind.

It’s essential to remember that the proper “flow” between these chakras originates in the Primordial Dragon Chakra; this is the chakra that provides the “juice” of all the Primordial Buddhas from countless buddha-realms since “before” created time.

*There are no “negative” characteristics associated with this understanding of the chakras as they are fully empowered by sambodhi; these are “spirits of concentrated bodhi” and they are, in essence, your body of light in the realm of dharmadhatu. The following exercise is meant for their stimulation, thus empowering you to fully Recollect their efficacy in light of the Unborn:

  1. Sit and gassho (hands in prayer position) this helps to focus the mind and awaken the Recollective Resolve. Gently close your eyes.
  2. Now lie down on a comfortable flat surface (on your back) and place your hands down by your side.
  3. Slowly raise your arms and gradually place your hands above the Primordial Dragon Chakra (later with each consecutive chakra), thus sensing the rising primordial energy of Reikian Unborn Light.
  4. Slowly begin to move both hands in circular motion and then allow your hands to guide the energy in an upward expanding motion.
  5. Now move onto the Bodhi Chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  6. Next move to the Sugata-garbha chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  7. Then move on to the Self Chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  8. Next move to the Dharmasota Chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  9. Move onto the Dragon Eye of Tathata Chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  10. Finally, turn to the Dharmamegha Chakra and repeat steps 3 and 4.
  11. Now, “turn-about”, and work on these energies in descending order; thus “sealing” them through the following:
  12. Place the palms of both hands at the back of the head and bring the fingertips round to rest on the temples covering the ears and thus sealing the energy around the Dharmamegha Chakra.
  13. At the Dragon Eye of Tathata Chakra, place your right hand in front of the forehead and your left hand at the back of the forehead (you may want to reverse this if you’re left handed). Now “seal” the energy in by continuing to hold the back of your head, and then free your right hand from the forehead and make small circular motions in front of the Dragon Eye.
  14. At the Dharmasota Chakra, place your left hand at the back of the throat and use your right hand to make small circular motions in front of the throat thus sealing the energy.
  15. At the Self Chakra, place your left hand on your chest, while freeing the right hand to seal the energy by making small circular motions above the chest.
  16. At the Sugata garbha Chakra, place your left hand on your belly (above the navel area) while freeing the right hand to seal the energy by making small circular motions above this area.
  17. At the Bodhi Chakra, place your left hand on your Dantian (2 inches below the navel) while freeing your right hand to seal the energy by making small circular motions above the Dan Tien.
  18. Lastly, at the Primordial Dragon Chakra, hover both your hands above the chakra and slowly make circular motions downwards to seal the energy.
  19. Rest for a few minutes, and then slowly sit up and gassho, thus giving thanks to the Primordial Unborn Spirit.

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