Tag Archives: Gnostic Gospel of John

The True Essence behind Christmas

This morning many are celebrating the Feast of Christmas—or the day that celebrates the incarnation of the True Light of the Unborn into the world. Within Christendom, the Christmas synoptic gospel accounts tell the tale of the birth of the Christ-Child; yet on Christmas morning itself there’s another narrative from a separate gospel—one that stands like a lone brilliant star apart from the synoptic-tradition, and that is the Gnostic Gospel Of John. Those infancy-narratives from the synoptic gospels of Matthew and Luke are in actuality pure-myth; they are derived from many such mythic-accounts of the birth of an anointed-one in many diverse cultures—all coinciding to project the realization of the birth of a Pure-Child of Light (Christos) that is devoid of darkness of the saha-world; they also occur in regular fashion at this time of year when, after the Winter Solstice, the slow return of the Light begins. Christmas is just a façade; a dim-spectacle, bracketed by the domain of a dominant western-cultural milieu,  that points to the Greater Light and Reality prior to it all. The Gnostic-Account from John is no myth, but rather a Self-Revelation of Divine Light ITself. It’s a wonder that John’s Gospel survived the purge of all Gnostic texts perpetrated by the materialistic, exoteric-church. Yet, the Truth contained within it could not be eradicated. You can imprison men’s minds, but you cannot imprison the Truth—you cannot imprison Light Itself. This past month we’ve been considering the Zen Teaching of Huang Po and the One, Unborn Buddha Mind. The following is the Spirit behind those teachings; it is from the unparalleled opening of that Gnostic Gospel, paraphrased in intuitive fashion that reveals the True Taste of that One Mind that Alone is worthy of praise: read more

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