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Tag Archives: Karma
Where There Are No Shadows
It needs to be noted that within the Lanka, and within Unborn Mind Zen too, the notion of the reality of an objective world is not denied within its own relativity; Tozen once taught that, “You have to understand that for we Lankavatarians, the world is a concrete intellectual synthesis highly visible and touchable.” So the sensualist notions of the afterlife are very real since “what the mind focuses on determines its reality.” There is a Jehovah Heaven, just as there is a Gehenna and an Avicci Hell as well. But they are still samsaric realms and not permanent in themselves (being one of the six realms of impermanence.) It’s all relative to Karmic based repercussions—there is no escaping these forms of destiny whatever given belief system is intoned. Karma is the determining factor and one needs to see to it that karmic ties are severed in one’s lifetime. However, for the Lankavatarian these sensualist notions are not extended to the pure perception of the Tathata, and that is what the Lanka focuses on—that pure perception—even though it’s sometimes cloaked in expediency for the benefit of the sensualist. Those “who are stupid talk of the trinity of vehicles and not of the state of Mind−only where there are no shadows. Therefore, Mahamati, those who do not understand the teachings of the Tathagatas of the past, present, and future, concerning the external world, which is of Mind itself, cling to the notion that there is a world outside what is seen of the Mind and, Mahamati, go on rolling themselves along the wheel of birth and death.” (Lanka, XVIII) Hence our motto, What the mind focuses on WILL determine its reality.
Posted in Preparation for the Afterlife
Tagged Karma, Mind-only, Nirabhasagocara, No Shadows, Self-realization, sensualist
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The Wonderment of the Self-Actualizing Mind
6. The Wonderment of the Self-Actualizing Mind
Then the [Supreme Source], mind of perfect purity, gave this sermon [in which She declared] that the perfection of all things rests in Her (Samantabhadrī) own being:
The Moon Parable
The Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra makes excellent use of parables in order to construct analogies as to the True Buddha Nature. The Moon Parable stands out in analogizing how the cycles of the Moon reflect the perennial nature of the Tathagata.
Posted in The Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Tagged body of the Tathagata, Dharmatic Light, eclipse, Icchantikas, Karma, moon, Shining Ones
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This is the destiny of most sentient minds…
Desire-Thought-Function. The creation of one enables the latter, ad-infinitum. From the first to the last and from the last back to the first.
Posted in Spirituality, Tozen Teaching, Zen
Tagged Buddhadharma, Dharma, form, Karma, liberation, suffering, Tozen, Unborn, Zen
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The Karma Factor
Amazing Art by Daniel Martin Diaz
Being reborn in the hell-realms is based upon the degree of negative-karma to warrant such a rebirth. This karmic-principle is merciless and irrevocable. As the Dhammapada teaches, you are what you think, and what you think leads to actions and in so doing one can reap much bitter fruit if those actions are wrongfully-conceived and administered. This is not just limited to human beings but also to inhabitants of the god-realms as well. Yea, any being, even devas, are responsible for their actions—thus one is not punished or rewarded by celestial agencies but by one’s own karmic-triggers [action]. Although out of the six realms of impermanence, it is best to be reborn as a human, since the human agency can best be transformed through the Holy Dharma in transcending the samsaric-curse and thus stop the karmic-wheel of transmigration, regeneration and rebirth:
Posted in Buddhist Hells
Tagged Bodhi Orientation, Karma, Lauding the Infinite One, Tozen
The Zen that is quicker than lightning.
Once upon a time a good mind of the way transported its body to a supposed place of a great Mind Master, as to inquire into the mystery of the Buddhadharma.
Posted in Tozen Teaching
Tagged Dharma, dharmakaya, Karma, Mind, Spirit, Tozen, Unborn, Wisdom
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One Dark Night
John of the Cross utilizes the first few stanzas of his poem, The Dark Night of the Soul, as a medium in which to better understand The Ascent. Darkness is a metaphor for the complete mortification of the senses. To deprive oneself of the gratification of the appetite for all sensate phenomena, the disease of desire is cessated. In Buddhism this has to do with Āyatana, or everything under the sphere of the senses:
The Mind of Zen
When it comes to matters of Spirit, and the innate Mind animating its will; Great minds discuss ideas around its true nature, relying solely on the light of its absolute reality as origin of their wisdom.
Karmic Affinity
Robert Stewart
“Within the teachings it is said that it is easy for one to believe if the karmic relationship with the teacher is right, and it is easy to enter if the karmic connection to the Way is right. Then no matter how hard I practice the kensho road to realization, I could not be expected to reach satori if my past karma were not right. Should I first try to practice a way that would set my karma right?”
Posted in Mud and Water: Bassui Zen
Tagged attainment, Bassui, Buddha Nature, Buddhahood, Karma, karmic affinity
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