Tag Archives: Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius

A Taste of Quiet

The Fourth Mansion of Teresa’s masterpiece is outstanding and requires a special introductory blog. She writes that “Supernatural experiences begin here.” This is closure of the Purgative Way and the beginning of the Illuminative. It’s also the commencement of the Recollective spirit, or the Prayer of Quiet. This is the transition that occurs between active meditation and infused contemplation. John of the Cross is the spiritual master of infused contemplation while Teresa plays the more dominate hand concerning the prior stage of the Prayer of Quiet. In league with both John and Teresa another notable Spanish-Mystic of the 17th Century is Miguel de Molinos (1628-1697), a true master-teacher of the Prayer of Quiet (quietud).  Misunderstood and unjustly condemned in his time-frame, this spiritual father of what was to become a movement called Quietism: read more

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