Technique #10: Hatsurei Ho

Vajragoni: I’d like to conclude our Sessions with a closing comment on Dhyana Technique # 10, Hatsurei Ho. Essentially this technique expands upon Binzuru Ho and is a very thorough cleansing and empowering technique that if practiced on a daily basis will fully engage the presence of the Unborn Spirit in your life as well as foster proper bodhiflow throughout the Chakras as well. It’s divided into three stages. The first stage, Kenyoko Ho, is the self-cleansing stage that expands upon the basic technique taught in Binzuru Ho and effectively disengages the effects of the Skandhas; the second stage, Josin kokyu Ho, empowers the energy channels within the Light Body or Charkas, thus balancing their respective energies; the third stage, Seishin toitsu, is a reinforcement of the second stage by powerfully directing Unborn Light Reiki (UBLR) throughout the rupakaya and Light Body simultaneously.

Shoden Session #10: Hatsurei Ho

This technique concludes the Shoden Sessions and it basically means to fully engage the Unborn Spirit. It is meant to be practiced daily as it will cleanse all of the energy channels throughout the rupakaya thus effectively fostering proper bodhiflow throughout the chakras as well. This is also the technique to be used when receiving a Reiju Empowerment; although as mentioned previously, Shoden Technique # 2 will also do very nicely with this as well.

* Reiju Empowerment: essentially a Japanese esoteric Buddhist concept: a type of mystical rite in which one is opened to receive an “empowerment”, or blessing from a spiritual master; in a real sense, one is asking for “spiritual permission” in which to be initiated with the Reikian-energies; in Unborn Light Reiki parlance, one receives the “juice” to activate the Sambodhic-cycle of enlivening the entire Chakra system.

This Shoden Technique is essentially divided into three different stages. The first stage (kenyoko ho) or dry bathing (brushing off) technique effectively disengages the Five Skandhas; the second stage (joshin kokyu ho) or centering the mind technique focuses on proper breathing within the Dantian, thus strengthening the Recollective Resolve of the Bodhi child; the third stage (seishin toitsu) or empowering a unified mind technique utilizes the Dragon Breathing exercise in properly channeling the Supreme Power of Bodhi throughout the Chakras thus awakening the Light Body.

Stage 1, kenyoko ho:

  1. Sit or lie down and gassho. This helps to quieten the mind and awaken the Recollective Resolve. Gently close your eyes.
  2. Quietly recite to yourself the UBLR precepts: Recollect now that all anger is illusionary; Recollect now that all worry and fear is sunya; Be gentle like your inner Child of Light; Remain firm in the Recollective Resolve; Be compassionate towards self and other sentient beings.
  3. a) Place your right hand on your left shoulder (where the collarbone and shoulder meet). Breathe-in and during your out-breath sweep your arm diagonally down from the left shoulder to the right hip; as you do so, Recollect that form is emptiness and emptiness is form.
  4. b) During you’re in-breath place your left hand on your right shoulder and during your out-breath sweep your arm diagonally down from the right shoulder to the left hip; as you do so, Recollect that sensation is emptiness and emptiness is sensation.
  5. c) During your in-breath return your right hand to the left shoulder and once again sweep your arm diagonally down from the left shoulder to the right hip; this effectively “seals” the process thus far and effectively disengages these two Skandhas.
  6. a) With the left elbow against your side and with your right arm horizontal to the ground, gently place your right hand on the left forearm. Breathe deeply in and on the out-breath sweep downward along the arm to the fingertips; as you do so, Recollect that thought is emptiness and emptiness is thought.
  7. b) With the right elbow against your side and with your left arm horizontal to the ground, gently place your left hand on the right forearm. Breathe deeply in and on the out breath sweep downward along the along the arm to the fingertips; as you do so, Recollect that motion is emptiness and emptiness is motion.
  8. c) Once again, with the left elbow against your side and with your right arm horizontal to the ground, gently place your right hand on the left forearm. Breathe deeply in and on the out breath sweep downward along the arm to the fingertips; this effectively “seals” the process at this point and disengages these two Skandhas.
  9. d) Gently place your right hand on your forehead and sweep across it; as you do so, Recollect that mortal consciousness is emptiness and emptiness is mortal consciousness. Next, place your left hand on your forehead and sweep across it; then return the hands to the gassho position; this effectively “seals” the process at this point and disengages the remaining Skandha.

Stage 2, joshin kokyu ho:

  1. Gently place your hands in your lap with the palms facing upwards.
  2. While breathing-in feel the Energy of UBLR coming in through the nose and moving down to the Dantian thus filling the rupakaya with Unborn Light energy.
  3. While breathing-out expand this energy throughout the rupakaya thus freeing the energy channels within your unseen Light Body (the Chakras); continue to expand this energy out into your surrounding area, thus Recollecting and empowering the Dharmakaya (absolute Buddha Body of perfect suchness).
  4. Repeat steps 6 and 7 until you develop a nice and easy rhythm. This usually lasts for 5 minutes or until you intuitively sense that you may continue with the rest of the exercise.

Stage 3, seishin toitsu:

  1. Gently place your hands in the gassho position and focus on your Dantian. While breathing-in begin to bring the energy of UBLR into your hands; feel the energy as IT moves down along your arms, the rest of your torso, and into your Dantian.
  2. While breathing-out sense the Unborn Light energy moving in the reverse or “turn-about” position, from the Dantian and eventually back out through the hands.
  3. Repeat steps 9 and 10 until you sense the Supreme Power of Bodhi coursing through the Chakras. This can last from 10 minutes or until you sense completion. *This is also the point in which you are ready to receive your Reiju Empowerment. Just simply say to yourself, “I’m receiving my Reiju Empowerment now.”
  4. Recite the five UBLR precepts again and conclude by saying to yourself, “I’m completing Hatsurei Ho now.”
  5. Gassho. Give thanks to your Unborn Spirit.

Returning to this work previously published in 2004, I am once again practicing these new Reikian techniques with renewed vigor and am definitely experiencing noticeable enhancements within my body-mind-spirit equipoise. My hope is that this series has revealed new insights into the healing-modality known as Reiki, as well as a good appreciation and edification of the Unborn Mind Principles.

In Unborn Light,


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