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Monthly Archives: November 2011
The Dharmacloud
When one transcends beyond the narrow confines of the sensate faculties (skandhas), the overlords of samsara itself, there is a growing sense of up-rootedness and even fear and trembling at the prospect of surrendering even one’s will into the realm of the unknowable. Yet, taking that next step beyond is a decision to leave behind all former known modes of perception that were, in reality, hindering the adept from entering into the undiscovered and imageless path of the Sacred Unknowable. This essential step is like what the Buddha would call the Dharmamegha, or Dharma-cloud. Once entering into this Dharma-cloud, even the perceptional demon himself (Mara), loses his ability to shape and control one’s spirit since he is now no longer the master of the game.
The dark contemplation, aligned with the Spirit of Bodhi, descends like a blanket of divine darkness over the sensate and spiritual faculties of the adept. What transpires next is a refined cleansing of both faculties. Firstly, the skandhas are purged, awakening the bodhichild from its former slumber within endless cycles of desire—its eyes now beholding the undivided awareness power of the Unborn Mind. Now forming within the dark-garbha of superessential light, this child’s own Bodhisoul is marked with auspicious qualities of buddhaic grace, thus initiating its own baptism in union with the Unborn Spirit and Mind.
Spiritual Distress
The incessant craving for remaining in ecstatic spiritual experiences that oftentimes afflicts the unwary adept can open the door to extreme states of spiritual distress. After the grand phenomenal and kaleidoscopic episodes have subsided, the self-absorbed soul will naturally find itself becoming embittered for its apparent loss. Accompanied with this collapse of grandiosity, the resulting void produces tension that is mired in incessant modes of irritability—so much so that after a while, it becomes nearly impossible for others to remain in any form of association with such a soiled mind.
The Bodhisoul
Being bestowed with the dark principle of the Unborn Buddha Mind opens the secret entrance to the Bodhisoul. This is truly a state of buddhaic bliss whose divine darkness blinds the obtuse body consciousness, rendering the reliance on its tired old tricks of maintaining a false sense of separation ineffectual and void in the face of this deathless love. The Bodhisoul is boundless and can only be realized when one discovers that all former spiritual experiences are pale and self-empty when compared to this dark contemplation of the imageless mind. Absolutely nothing is left now that can prevent one from passing safely through the gateless gate into the noble embrace of the Shining Ones who await those who have crossed-over from samsara, beckoning them to partake in the choicest wine of pari-nirvana.
Posted in Spirituality, Zen
Tagged Beloved Imageless One, Bright Bodhicitta, dark principle, imageless
Darkness Visible
The 16th century Spanish Mystic John of the Cross was most prolific when it came to spiritual writing that focused upon “All-Created-Things” that could hinder the path to Union with the Imageless purity of the Unborn. Although catholic in expedient form and using language that needed to appease the religious authority of the time, one can still discern the hidden “arcane” reason shining through to help the adept on the road to full Recollection of the Unborn Buddha Mind. If read in light of the Unborn, then his writings can prove to be of help for those adepts who struggle with their own “practice”. His classic poem, The Dark Night of the Soul, can be read as a loving process that depicts the movement from created obstructions to the very heart and development of the bodhichild. (Bodhisattvic Child of Light)
Posted in Spirituality, Zen
Tagged bodhichild, Darkness Visible, Parting His, Unborn
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