Category Archives: Hsin Hsin Ming

The Real-In-Truth

If it were not this way,
The Truth would not be worth preserving.
The All IS All,
In the All you see AS ALL read more

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The Boundless Realm

In the Such one abides nowhere and yet everywhere,
All the ten-directions are displayed right before you.
The smallest is the largest,
In the Realm where no delusions dwell. read more

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Absolute Faith

Enter into IT with full accord,
In this fashion, the twin Iron Mountains will not hem you in.
Simply saying, “Not-Two”, all things are resolved in the Unborn.
Everything is now perfectly accommodated. read more

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No More Light, No More Darkness…

No-thing is anywhere to be found;
No-thing has the power to Recollect.
The Darkness of the Void is Lucid and Bright.
No dark stain of corporeity soils the Luminous Mind. read more

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When the Terrible-Twos are no more,
Where’s the Demon Head of the One to be found?
In the Unborn Mind,
There is no need for standardization in any form. read more

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A Hard Day’s Night

Deep looks upon Deep as the Singular-Whole,
And all External Associations are rendered Mute.
The ten-thousand things coalesce with Essential-Sameness,
You and the Dharmakaya are strangers no more. read more

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Eye of the Dragon

A Dreamy-Dance of the Gandharvas,
Are Fleeting-shadows that cannot be embraced.
Thoughts of rightness or wrongness,
Let them be gone with quick dispatch. read more

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Manufactured Dreams

There is no-other teaching apart from the One-Vehicle,
The ones in ignorance only become attached to their own chatter.
If you try to use Mind to cultivate Mind,
The Mind would dissolve Itself. read more

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If you weary the spirit with anxiety,
No beings in any of the six realms can help you.
In order for the One Vehicle to awaken you to the Dharmadhatu,
Do not attempt to dispel any sensate obstructions. read more

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Let it Be

Prudence never returns once it departs,
And one falls into the waiting arms of perdition.
Just let it be,
For Essence neither abdicates nor abides. read more

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