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Monthly Archives: September 2014
Coming Soon: The Doctrine of Awakening
Our next series will be an exegesis of Julius Evola’s masterful work on Early Buddhism: The Doctrine of Awakening. Of special interest for Lankavatarians is his treatment of the Ariyan Spirit, one that is reinforced through a proper understanding of ascesis, one that is totally divorced from standard westernized notions of extreme mortification of the senses. For Evola, the Buddha’s Noble Eightfold path (ariyamagga) is also far and away from corrupted western misconceptions, in particular the shallow notion of “universal compassion” which indeed continues to be a lingering bastardization of the Buddha’s original intent. Indeed, what Evola emphasizes is to completely and unequivocally “cut oneself off” from such notions, or in his words, “to stop taking part in the game.”
Posted in The Doctrine of Awakening
Tagged Ariyan Spirit, Ascesis, Doctrine of Awakening, gnosis, Julius Evola, Mind, Spirit
Notes from the Iron Stupa: Epilogue
Stupa Image from the Doog Diaries
The Black Ngagspa lost all evil intent after witnessing Schäfer’s Vajrasattvic Empowerment—indeed, it was as if the Sacred Action had suctioned-off any and all residuals of malice—and his role in the scheme of the evil Lord of Agarthi was apparently over, but for one thing…in a twisted maneuver his former Dark Lord had been witnessing these events unfold nearby—such was his astral prowess. He may have lost his novice to the Buddhaic-Light, but he found the prize! At first he was astonished how the long lost substance of the Vril had metastasized into the form of a meteorite statue—but there it was! Lying there in its aquiline prison at the apex of the Iron Stupa was the figure of a hooded monk grasping a strange weapon at his side…
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Anuyoga, Atiyoga, form, Iron Stupa, Mahāyoga, Stupa, Vajra-Dhunga, White Ngagspa
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The Yoga of Vairocana
1.0 Vairocana is the Matrix of the Buddha Sun
Vairocana represents the Buddha family that houses the great light of the Buddha Sun—Mahavairocana—known among Lankavatarians as the Noble KA
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa, Spirituality
Tagged Black Dragon Eye Mandala, Dharmachakra, dharmakaya, KA, Mahavairocana, Mind, Nimitta, OṀ, Vairocana, Yoga
Vairocana’s Vajrasattva Empowerment
The power of Bodhi vs. the power of Mara is as timeworn as the Universe itself. It is the ongoing mêlée between time-bound reality and timeless-forces armed with deathlessness. It was again fought in close-quarters within the Iron Stupa as our protagonist’s Body, Speech, and Mind—now refined as such—became the weapon that was prepared to clash with this Present Darkness as embodied in the evil agent of the Dark Lord of Agarthi. As the Black Ngagspa reached out in an attempt to exterminate Schäfer with his touch of Green-Death, Divine Providence once again intervened as Blessed White Tara blinded him with a Radiant-Flash of Luminosity that no mortal-eyes can withstand.
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Black Ngagspa, Bodhi, Empowerment, Vajrasattva, White Tara
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White Tara, or the Descent of Absolute Wisdom
It didn’t take long from Schäfer’s singular vantage-point inside the bodhimanda to realize that another transcendent exposure was making its presence known; the boundlessness of Space itself appeared to contract for a brief moment, revealing the shape and substance of a Being radiating the inner-light of countless brilliant Suns. At first it was a blinding-apparition, too shimmering and remarkable to behold. It was as if Primordial Luminosity Itself was totally engulfing his own being, burning-away any sense of separateness—for all about him was literally palpitating with a transfixing-incandescent Light. Gradually the brilliant hue began to dissolve, revealing what appeared to his Mind’s Eye as the most captivating Goddess he had yet encountered in his extraordinary journey. Perhaps her most amazing features were five additional-eyes, apart from her normal two, that were fluctuating from different parts of her anatomy—one on each foot and hands, and a fifth that seemed to penetrate him to the very core of his being, positioned directly in the center of her forehead.
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Divine Mother of Infinite Space, Tara, Third-Eye, White Tara, Wisdom
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Vairocana—the Matrix of the Buddha Sun
Having failed in his attempt with the tulpa-doppelganger, the Black Ngagspa made astral contact with his evil Lord of Agarthi. Standing before him wearing a dark green robe and his hands clothed with luminous-green-gloves, the evil Lord had been watching events unfold through his own ‘Mirror of Darkness’. Clearly displeased with his neophyte, he took control of the situation and in an instant, the Black Ngagspa watched as a pair of green-gloves—similar to the ones his Lord was wearing—materialized with their eerie green-glow on his own hands. The Lord of Agarthi warned him to take care, for the gloves were poisonous and just one touch would prove to be fatal. The gloves’ substance was made from the paste of an aconite plant—known as monkshood—and with the slightest contact toxins from the plant, absorbed through the skin, would result in instant death. This was to be the means of deciding Schäfer’s fate.
The Yoga of Amoghasiddhi
1.0 Amoghasiddhi is the Matrix of Enlightened Action (Karmaprasiddhi)
Freedom from the Karmic-Cycle is through the door of the All-Accomplishing Wisdom, as the Green Light of Amoghasiddhi reveals the Enlightening-Spirit of Bodhi. In such manner are Buddhaic-activities performed.
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Amoghasiddhi, Karmaprasiddhi, Khatvanga, phurpa, Tara, Tara verte, Viśvavajra, Yoga
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Nade Te Turbe
Loving all things Carmelite (in particular the spirituality of St. John of the Cross), wanted to share this remarkable video of a “virtual-choir” of Discalced Carmelite Nuns from around the world. They are cloistered, but through the wonders of technology, were able to join together in celebrating through this beautiful song, “Nade Te Turbe”.
Amoghasiddhi’s Phurpa Empowerment
Schäfer watched nearby as the entrapped tulpa- doppelganger began to shrink-down to the size of a pinpoint which then disappeared directly into Tara verte’s Urna as she re-materialized before his mind.
Posted in Mystagogia, Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Empowerment, HŪṀ, Karma-Norbu, phurpa, Phurpa Empowerment, Vajrakilaya
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Amoghasiddhi—the Magician of the Phurpa
The world is matter to be transformed to liberate concentrated energy of the Wise Men—a psychic energy capable of attracting the Powers from Beyond, the Superior Unknown Beings, the Lords of the Cosmos. The institution of the Black Order had no political or military significance; its raison d’être was purely magical…(from ‘The Morning of the Magicians’)
Posted in Notes from the Iron Stupa
Tagged Black Ngagspa, Black Order, HŪṀ, OṀ, phurpa, Thule, Vajrakilaya