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Monthly Archives: September 2016
O’ Luminous Host

Reading through these blog-posts within this series, Beyond the Rainbow Body, some might be tempted to surmise that they downgrade “Light” to a mere obscuration, like a white-head pimple on the face of the Unborn Essence. They would be mistaken. While “Dark” and “Darkness” appears to transcend light in all segments of these given blogs, in actuality they bespeak a “Translucent Darkness”, a vivaciously Luminous and Inner-Light that radiates outwards—the Nature of the Hidden-Light of the Unborn, or the Inner-Clear-Mind of the Tathāgatas. This is like a “darkness to the senses” but a luminous Self-revelation for those with the awakened eyes of the Spirit. It is a Mind-Trek soaring over defiled aggregated existence into a Luminous Transfiguration of Tathatic-Union, as the weary-wheel of samsaric re-birth is forever stilled and its diurnal movement negated and refined in the perpetual-translucent flame and Clear-Light of the Unborn Mind. This is the very Luminous Host of Boundless Light described and honored in the following passages from the Liturgy of Light which is part of The Divine Liturgy of Vajrasattva, included in the larger Dharma-series, The Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra:

This past Thursday, September 8, 2016, was the 50th anniversary of the premiere of the Original Star Trek Series—the one that began it all. The Original will forever be my perennial favorite and perhaps the most “fascinating” character on the show is Mr. Spock. Primarily a being of intellect who was forever at odds with his “emotions”, he was always able to balance them out, especially when the occasion arose to take command of the task at hand. Of particular import was his ability to stimulate the “Vulcan Mind-Meld” technique, my favorite—prominent instance—occurring in the Second Star Trek Movie, Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan, wherein just before he sacrifices his life to save the Enterprise and its crew, seeks out Dr. McCoy and employs the procedure by uttering the simple words, “Remember”:
Posted in Beyond the Rainbow Body, Spirituality
Tagged Spock, Star Trek, Vulcan Mind-Meld
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Dark Lives Matter

Science assures us that all-there-is originated from a single-point of (Unborn—inclusion mine) singularity. From this it also asserts that 4% of the evolvement is ordinary matter; 23% is what has come to be known as Dark Matter; yet an astounding 73% is Dark Energy—the very mystical prajna that animates the whole of phenomena. It has also been purported that Dark Matter is the material that makes up all of the galaxies, stars, planets and heavens of the afterlife (from an article entitled, The Awesome Powers of Dark Energy and Matter – A New Cosmology?); its very substance resembles that of an Astral-Body of Dark Energy. The same author of the article maintains that “even vaster, more complex universes of dark matter may have been created from dark energy with even greater ease, because the particles of dark matter are of an even finer vibration and much more common than those of physical (baryonic) matter which is of a lower vibration.” Because of this the author also speculates that much of the “UFO phenomena” originates from “civilizations (that) are visiting us from these realms of dark matter but they have to calibrate their vibration rate just for us to see them as strange objects and/or lights in the sky that quickly disappear back into their natural invisible or “dark matter” state.” After many years of studying the “extraterrestrial phenomena” as a whole, yours truly has come to believe that they do indeed originate—not from some isolated regions of Outer Space—but from these “dark-dimensions” that are concurrent with our own universe. Also, if some of the current research from within the UFO Culture is correct, then human terrestrials may have evolved from DNA that originated from Star-Beings that are inhabitants of these alternative dark dimensions; constitutive of Dark Matter, then physiologically we are indeed part and parcel of Dark (Lives) Matter.
The Dolmen

This present series, Beyond the Rainbow Body, can also serve as a metaphor for going beyond all that is perceivable and demonstrable. When one contemplates this metaphor it becomes an absolute assurance that always remaining within the confining categories of the known and verifiable can be a most limiting enterprise. The realization will eventually dawn that it is the unknown and the unlimited-depths of dark spacelessness within the Void that, like “Dark Matter”, is the Real Imageless Substance that is woven throughout the pattern of existence. The ancient Essenes-sect expounded that the Absolute was more about darkness than light. In this sense they were in league with Pseudo Dionysius–for him the Absolute was a via-negativa–the absence of light. Think of it—Darkness is the Real Eternal Delight—it is the essence of the Imageless Eternal-Self. Darkness IS deathlessness itself. Light suffers from limitations, like the death of a Star that soon turns-inward into a Black Hole which Alone remains. Darkness is the womb out of which everything is born and into which everything will eventually return—the Dark Womb of Tara, Our Lady of the Void. Light is born but the darkness is always there—it is deathless. The ancients were well aware of this and incorporated various spiritual-vehicles in which to participate in this sensory-deprived-Dark Realization. One of these vehicles is the Dolmen—not to be confused with the Elasian Dolman Elaan from the original Star-Trek episode, Elaan of Troyius.
Posted in Beyond the Rainbow Body, Spirituality
Tagged darkness, Dolmen, Elaan of Troyius, Essenes, Pseudo Dionysius
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