Monthly Archives: February 2014

Śāriputra’s Persistence

At that time it occurred to the great assembly of twelve hundred śrāvakas, arhats free from corruption, beginning with Ājnāta kauṇḍinya, and the other monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who had set out to become śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas: “Why has the Bhagavat just now so earnestly praised skillful means? For what reason has he declared that the Dharma that the buddhas have attained is very profound and difficult to understand? Why has he said that their intention in adapting their teaching to what is appropriate is so difficult to comprehend that all the śrāvakas and pratyekabuddhas are not able to understand it? read more

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(41) An Alien Spirit

For those who worship the infinite creations of obstructed, alien spirits,
there can only be suffering [pain, alienation, depression and
despair]. read more

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Expedient Revelations

“O Śāriputra! After attaining buddhahood I expounded the teaching extensively with various explanations and illustrations, and with skillful means (upāya) led sentient beings to rid themselves of their attachments. Why is this? Because all the Tathāgatas have attained perfect mastery of skillful means, wisdom, and insight. read more

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(40) I Am Always There

This I can say about me:

That I am always there, for you

My name cannot be found
by your blinded mind

And yet you persist
to give me
so many read more

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Mañjuśrī’s Monology

Both Maitreya and Mañjuśrī give wonderful monologues, both in prose and gatha (poetic) form, respectively asking and responding as to the nature of the Buddha’s Illumination. Portions from Mañjuśrī’s Monologue in prose form are as follows: read more

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(39) The Cellar

The cellar may be an exciting thing to visit, but if the door behind
you slams with a bang, it is best to have a strong lamp at hand if you
desire any further safe direction. read more

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At that time the Bhagavat was respectfully surrounded by the fourfold assembly (i.e., monks, nuns, laymen, laywomen), paid homage, honored, and praised. He then taught the bodhisattvas the Mahayana sutra called Immeasurable Meanings (Mahānirdeśa), the instruction for the bodhisattvas and the treasured lore of the buddhas. After having taught this sutra, the Buddha sat cross-legged, entered the samādhi called the “abode of immeasurable meanings” (ananta-nirdeśa-pratiṣṭhāna) and remained unmoving in both body and mind. Māndārava and great māndārava flowers, manjūṣaka and great manjūṣaka flowers then fell like rain from the sky, scattering upon the Buddha and all of his attendants; and the whole buddha world quaked in six ways. At that time, that whole assembly of such humans and nonhumans as monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen, the devas, nāgas, yakṣas, gandharvas, asuras, garuḍas, kiṃnaras, mahoragas, kings, and noble emperors, having experienced something unprecedented, were filled with joy, and with their palms pressed together they gazed attentively at the Buddha. read more

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The remedy for a self-ignorant Mind

The roadblocks set up by your own mind are just you, lacking right knowledge of your own Mind. Specifically its uncreated substance with its myriad functions, and hence ability, that produces incalculable positions within an arised field of consciousness, when any condition of becoming is ripe. read more

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An Auspicious Gathering

Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was staying in the city of Rājagṛha, on the mountain called Gṛdhrakūṭa, together with a great assembly of twelve thousand monks, all of whom were arhats whose corruption was at an end, who were free from the confusion of desire, who had achieved their own goals, shattered the bonds of existence, and attained complete mental discipline. read more

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(38) Once Upon A Time

Once upon a time you were this tiny child

With a big smile and a radiant heart

Death, was unknown and never a painful thought read more

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