Tag Archives: light



How to abstain from thoughts in Contemplation
Especially those arising from curiosity or natural wit read more

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The Light in the Darkness

The authentic Spiritual Life can best be portrayed as a journey from the darkness encased in phenomena to Light, and then from that light to darkness. It’s a major alteration from a light which is darkness to a Luminous Light which is hidden in darkness. The mind needs to shut itself off and turn to that Luminous Wonder that is a host to invisible realities that the Mystic Mind alone can discharge. read more

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Open your mouth

Open your mouth, utter a single syllable, type a single word and you merely are spreading the illusion of your own perception of what you believe, at any given moment, to be the equal or part of an absolute reality. read more

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The Zen of your own-being

Om svabhava suddha sarva dharma svabhava suddho’ham. [1]

Character is nothing, own-being is everything. Thus, such is the path of enlightenment  that a being of good merit should choose not to foster character but unveil the clear light of their own-being to themselves. read more

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The light of compassion

A mind of great honor, moderation and intelligence is not necessarily a mind  of foolish shortsightedness, nor is it one poor in compassion and humor.
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The Mind of Zen

When it comes to matters of Spirit, and the innate Mind animating its will; Great minds discuss ideas around its true nature, relying solely on the light of its absolute reality as origin of their wisdom. read more

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Being of a Single Mind – One-pointedness (Zen) is attained

Let not the appearance of these words fool you, 
yet do not wander off from the context at hand.
Being One in Spirit (will) and of One Mind
is to be of a Single Mind in a here and now
that stretches beyond the temporal prison
of this body consciousness, which clouds
the true vision of your luminous Self.
The Buddhas have never lied nor will they ever 
bare false witness [of the Dharma] to you.
Their dharma unfolds before you Minds´s eye
at any given moment. 
Blink and you´ve already missed its splendor; speak and
the spiritual song of the truly living,  becomes absent.
What you choose to SEE and SENSE and what really IS though,
are not of the same nature.
Where the one is empty (of dharma), the other shines
as purely itself permanently througout all ten directions.
How can you ever approach it or run from it by conventional means?
To say you are here, or there, or in that, or in the other,
implies the need of your present mind to constantly find
settlement and self identity with that, or the other.
This is the prison-consciousness of Samsara. 
Though ashes to some, and golden to others, 
It binds demons, animals, men and gods alike.
But your true Mind is primordially free; radiant, luminous – Unborn 
and hence not subject [initself] to any position or law of becoming
giving the false sense of real beingness arising from it.
We speak of something incomprehensible pure; a nature and light,
second to no thing, or ideated being. read more

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Mañjuśrī Teaches Prajñāpāramitā

Perhaps more than any other Celestial Bodhisattva, Mañjuśrī best captures the epitome of Wisdom. Mañjuśrī is undoubtedly synonymous with and the very embodiment of the Perfection of Wisdom (Prajñāpāramitā). He is the ever-present guide and interlocutor in countless sutras; perhaps best well-known for his role in the Vimalakirti Sutra where he is the only fearless Bodhisattva present who dare go and visit the apparently ailing-lay bodhisattva, the mysterious and Noble Vimalakirti, and whose subsequent dialog with him becomes the very cornerstone of that sutra. He is also a prominent feature in the Lotus Sutra where he becomes privy to what the Buddha is about to reveal, even before the majestic Maitreya. Less well known is his pivotal role in a sutra from the Mahāratnakūṭa corpus, Mañjuśrī’s Discourse of the Pāramitā of Wisdom. Yet, this little gem packs a powerful punch in the spirit of the Diamond Sutra, and could actually be considered its sister text. It expounds a very High-Gnosis, not based on the relative truth of the mundane, but instead the Ultimate Truth of the Unborn and Absolute. Before venturing-forth in this new series, it is appropriate to begin with an exposé on the nature of its shining star—Mañjuśrī, the Maha-Bodhisattva of Transcendent Wisdom, whose name Man-ju (charming, beautiful and pleasant), and Shri (meaning a shining glory) encapsulates the very essence of the Prajñāpāramitā literature. read more

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White Lotus on blue water

There is no-thing in the Unborn Mind, but its own pure light.

Though this truth shines freely with its own auspicious luminosity, there for anyone to see, vast amounts of defilements hinders the everyday worldling from perceiving this truth as self-verifiable. read more

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The Realm of Suchness



A.The Greatness of the Essence of Suchness 

[The essence of Suchness] knows no increase or decrease in ordinary men, the Hīnayānists, the bodhisattvas, or the buddhas. It was not brought into existence in the beginning nor will it cease to be at the end of time; it is eternal through and through.  read more

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