Monthly Archives: January 2019

The Motherly Buddha Tantra: Epilogue

This series on the Kulayarāja Tantra proved to be singularly about a Mother Tantra. The Primordial mouthpiece Samantabhadrī bespoke of Bodhicitta as the all-manifesting energy (which in this tantra is cast as a feminine energy) or the Undivided Mind of awakened Actuosity. The key words throughout were actuating-essence, or an actuating potency that propels the pristine awareness from its stillness to manifestation in all dharmata. Indeed, this actuation-mode is the function of the Unborn as “teacher”. All in all, a spectacular display of Atiyoga or the Dzogchen-effect par-excellence come to life in a vibrating feminine-dimension. All the same time being bracketed by “the elixir of Primordial Bodhipower” exhibiting the innate knowledge and capacity of the original essence—going back to the fundamental, primordial-principle; returning to the Root-Source as the Supernal Teacher. read more

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The Cuckoo of Presence

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

(Chapter 30)

Listen, O’ Great Bodhi Being! Your very Self is Me, Myself Am You. This is the Self-Same Realization since the Primordial beginning. read more

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The Five Sisters

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

[Chapter 23]

Great Bodhi-Being, Listen! Because all existence is a reflection of Mind’s Perfect Actuosity, there is no need to resort to doctrinal formulation’s concerning Its already Natural Order. Yogins intuitively grasp this and come to rest in the cradle of Suchness without any sense of striving or achieving. The main realization here is to refrain from thinking and to abide simply and effortlessly like the boundless blue-sky. read more

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The Antidote to all smallness

*You will notice some jumping-around with the numbered sequence in these chapters. Some are just supporting subject matter already covered. What follows henceforth will be chapters that introduce new insights for reflection. read more

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The Truth About Enlightenment

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

[Chapter 15]

Listen, Great Bodhi-Being! My own Being is Self-evident. In this respect I Am actualizing you. By virtue of this Self-Evident Nature, you are a manifestation of Me; thus make this Actualization your own. If you do not recognize Herself in you, you thereby abandon your own Beingness. Remain in Her as She Is in you. Lay waste to methodologies that are mere causal effects masquerading as your True-Self. By these feeble attempts at mind-purification you will fail to recognize and Recollect that your own Mind IS It’s own unadulterated Reality, never in need of forms of causal purifications. This is true in even attempting modes of samādhi in pursuit of some superficial Buddhahood. Even trying to name said-buddha. What form of Buddha is this? Recognize that apart from the Reality of the Unborn and Self-actualizing Mind there is no Buddha. If you were to study this Mind you will find nothing; yet an Illuminative Clarity is always there! read more

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Who Is Worthy?

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

[Chapter 13]

Listen, great Bodhi-Being! I teach only the Root Source. Outside of this supernal rootedness whatever is taught to be revealed is surface chatter minus the Root. My Suchness is the Root. If one discerns one’s own Pure Mindfulness to be this Perfect Suchness, one will no longer mindlessly dwell in a stage where just clinging to the words of a Buddha is apparently sufficient. It is not. By virtue of this insight one will come to master the Atiyoga. Yet, those of a lesser-mind vintage will never come to experience the Single Taste. For those few fortunate ones, they who have transcended their karmic-baggage, will come to Self-realize how insufficient all manner of teachings and doctrinal viewpoints, all stages of Bodhisattvahood, and even the generation of Bodhicitta is in Light of the Such.  In such manner, one will discern that in Actuality there is no difference between the conventional and absolute, for one now directly and undividedly sees the all in Light of Perfect Suchness, the Supernal Mindfulness Itself. read more

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Further Disclosures of the True Nature

Art by Sarahjagdip

Chapter Nine continues the discourse on the Tantra vehicles that are linked to cause and effect, thus they are insufficient in light of the Great Perfection. Chapter Ten then reverses the downplay of those vehicles, indicating that there is still value inherent in all of them—because Dzogchen does not impose any limits. Thus, Samantabhadrī is the all-encompassing One and permits many different schools under her roof. Ultimately, however, it is always the Dzogchen teachings that are dominant and the best course to realize the Self-actualization of her Beingness. read more

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The Four Tantric Yogas

8. The Four Tantric Yogas

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

“Suchness is devoid of one in the All of no-oneness. My Unborn Beingness is the Such that reflects through objectified dharmata. As such, each apparent separate object contains the seedness of the Such in unison with ITs undivided nature. Contemplating this empowers one to gaze inwardly into the Core-Such. As My Beingness is the Core-Such in Its Self-Actualization of non-dualness, there are four yogas that emanate from this inner-tranquility as drawn from the experience and differing modes and qualities of practitioners: Sattvayoga, Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga.” read more

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The Inexplicable

Photo by Kevin Krejci

7. The Inexplicable

[The following chapter is a paraphrase of the Divine Teachings of Samantabhadrī in her own singular fashion, as witnessed by this channel of her love.] read more

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The Wonderment of the Self-Actualizing Mind

6. The Wonderment of the Self-Actualizing Mind

Then the [Supreme Source], mind of perfect purity, gave this sermon [in which She declared] that the perfection of all things rests in Her (Samantabhadrī) own being: read more

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