Tag Archives: Secret-One

Who Is Worthy?

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

[Chapter 13]

Listen, great Bodhi-Being! I teach only the Root Source. Outside of this supernal rootedness whatever is taught to be revealed is surface chatter minus the Root. My Suchness is the Root. If one discerns one’s own Pure Mindfulness to be this Perfect Suchness, one will no longer mindlessly dwell in a stage where just clinging to the words of a Buddha is apparently sufficient. It is not. By virtue of this insight one will come to master the Atiyoga. Yet, those of a lesser-mind vintage will never come to experience the Single Taste. For those few fortunate ones, they who have transcended their karmic-baggage, will come to Self-realize how insufficient all manner of teachings and doctrinal viewpoints, all stages of Bodhisattvahood, and even the generation of Bodhicitta is in Light of the Such.  In such manner, one will discern that in Actuality there is no difference between the conventional and absolute, for one now directly and undividedly sees the all in Light of Perfect Suchness, the Supernal Mindfulness Itself. read more

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