Monthly Archives: May 2023

The Unborn Mind Mythos

We are now in our twelfth year publishing blogs here at UnbornMind Zen, a genuine mind-voyage in which we explore a vast array of subject matter pertinent to our core mission. It has slowly become evident over the years that what has been revealed in these sessions is a kind of Mythos in its own right. We have categories ranging from a wide variety of Sutra-studies to contemplative spiritualities such as offered by Dionysius the Areopagite, John of the Cross, Teresa of Avila, and most especially the anonymous author of the Cloud of Unknowing; authentic Ch’an (Tozen) teachings leading into the mind and spirit of the masters themselves, like Bodhidharma, Huangbo, Dazhu Huihai, and the Unborn Mind teachings of Bankei Yōtaku himself. There are transcendental treks into unknown modes of being that stagger the imagination. Within Yogic parameters the Yogasūtras of Patañjali, the Bhagavad Gita, and the Ashtavakra Gita portray the ascetical discipline necessary in which to put to rest the appetite for carnal things within which the Unborn can be approached freely and unobstructed. The Lankavatarian Book of the Dead, The Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra, and Notes from the Iron Stupa comprises a Tantric Trilogy which encompasses Atiyoga, Mahayoga, and Anuyoga all highlighting elements of Sacred Tantra, the Bardo Realms, and even Shamanistic (Chöd) components that altogether constitute transcending the skandhic potpourri and stimulating the direct Primordial Ascendency of the Unborn. Doctrinal series like The Awakening of Faith and The True Lion’s Roar of Queen Śrīmālā depict sound Mahayana Principles that highlight the unique position of the Unborn in terms of Tathagata-garbha formulations. The Unborn I Ching series explores certain Divine-aspects of Divination, which accompanied by an earlier sister series that also highlighted aspects of divination that was nuanced with Tozen’s splendid early teachings on the Unborn, The Dragon Mind of Zen Tarot. Indeed, divination if approached from a transcendent angle accompanied with Right Gnosis reveals how the abiding primordial functions of the Unborn can be a constant companion and mentor on the spiritual journey. You will also discover here a new Reiki modality.  We have modes of praxis which we practice regularly, including our own rite: The Divine Liturgy of Vajrasattva. UnbornMind Zen is also proud to present two published seminal works, Tozen’s majestic and unparalleled Dharmakaya Sutra (2006) and my own Dhammapada in Light of the Unborn, an early work penned in 2002 highlighting all the principles we celebrate here in these many blogs—it is a form of word-key that if faithfully studied and utilized will provide a quick resource and guide to the very heart of Tathagatagarbha Zen. All of these are but a few of the 100+ series we offer here at UnbornMind Zen, a veritable storehouse of Noble Wisdom encapsulating thousands of pages devoted to the Buddhadharma—all of this bracketed by the spirit of the Prajnaparamita. read more

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An Evening in the Afterglow

What is presented here now is in reference to the 100+ series we offer at UnbornMind Zen. We have selected here a series from early January and February, 2020, just before the Covid pandemic hit. It’s unusual and quite unlike other series we offer here and portions of it are truly prophetic in light of the resultant social-political upheavals that were and are the direct result of the Covid lockdown; accompanied, of course, with the ongoing ramifications of a self-collapsing civilization. But this is only one facet that The Afterglow series offers. It is first and foremost a Buddhist exposition that highlights such subject matter as Satori and the real beauty of Zen. The monsters of the mind and Friedrich Nietzsche; the need for ongoing discernment in one’s spirituality. The evil effects of crowd control and the mind. It asks the perennial question as to whether or not UnbornMind Zen is a religion, or is the Unborn itself, God.  The Prajñāpāramitā and Mañjuśrī. Such spiritual agencies as the Primordials. How to utilize Bodhipower in proper fashion. And much more. What makes this a special enterprise is that it’s being presented now in audio format, much like a little podcast. The meditation here is very welcoming and soothing, much like being in the company of Gautama Buddha himself. Enjoy! read more

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