Monthly Archives: October 2022

Magna Summatio

Being a summation of the salient teachings found within the Ashtavakra Gita in Light of the Unborn

10.1 Knowing Oneself as the Absolute, and that both existence and non-existence are but figments of the imagination, what is left to say or do for the Shining Ones bathed in non-discrimination? read more

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Sweet Gnosis of the Self



9.1 A man of Pure Intuition realizes the treasure of Self-Gnosis upon hearing just a casual teaching; whereas a worldling becomes bewildered regardless of the message taught. read more

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Waves of Fulfillment


8.1 Firstly, I became intolerant of all physicality; next of excessive speech, and then of all thought-patterns. Thus so I remain
Here, in the Unborn. read more

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A Spirit of Quietude


7.1 Be aware that desiring both pleasure and prosperity can eventually lead to great misfortunes. They can never be your friends, even though they may be cloaked in virtue signaling. read more

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A Quality of Detachment


6.1 Duties done and left undone, forgo this game of opposites and the imaginary [person] to whom they are owed. Be detached from such annoyances and turn away from them with an eye of indifference.   read more

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The Four-fold Way to Dissolution


5.1 You have no contact with phenomena, therefore you are not bound to anything. What need to renounce? Extinguish the five aggregates thus initiating Dissolution. read more

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Where the Gods Fear to Tread


4.1 The Knower of Self-awareness continues to play the game of life unaffected by the vicissitudes suffered by the bewildered common herd. read more

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The Test


3.1 How can you claim to be Realized—most assured of your Absolute and indestructible Self—when you still yearn for great stores of wealth? read more

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A Spotless Universe


2.1 Spotless am I and burden-free—Absolute Awareness bred, devoid of earthly consciousness! You duped me, O’ weary world, and I allowed myself to be duped! read more

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Noble Self-realization


1.1 O’ Noble One, help me to discern how Gnosis is to be Self-realized, Liberation won, and necessary Dispassion obtained. read more

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