Category Archives: The Unborn Mind Sessions

Behold the Mind

Why all this emphasis on Mind, Unborn or otherwise?

Beholding one’s Mind is the root of the matter. Outside of Mind considering anything else is puerile and insignificant. read more

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What happens when we die?

What happens when we die?

This is a nonsensical question when it comes to the Self-Absolute where it all becomes perfectly clear. Ask yourself, who is present to die? Is there really anything left behind? The Self-Absolute was never born and so can never die. read more

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Monastery of the Mind

You make reference on your homepage that this is a “little electronic refuge and monastery”…How is this so? read more

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Show Me Your Sin

Your teachings neglect to speak of the nature of sin. We all have sin you know, we’re all sinners.

Oh, is that so? Show me your sin, bring it to me. read more

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Who’s Controlling the Transmission?

What have you to say concerning those who are adverse to the teachings?

In this late-era dharma-ending age it’s not surprising that there are those who may encounter these teachings and will shake their heads in wonder about all this Unborn Mind business. They rely exclusively upon immediate sense impressions that are compilations of a skhandic induced naivety; it is little wonder that such a worldling can begin to fathom even a first glimpse into the nature of this true vehicle of salvific light. read more

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Stuck in Karmadhatu

In reference to the Bodhichild last time we met, what will happen to me once it’s activated?

One may perhaps ask what’s supposed to happen to “my personality”, once the Bodhichild takes precedence over former attachments and desires. In actuality nothing is supposed to happen. There is no sudden Big Mind transformation that supersedes and eliminates one’s former way of addressing the world, i.e. through one’s “little mind”. Big versus little is merely another discriminatory attempt to justify the actions of mind’s outflows which imaginatively attempt to create something superior over something inferior, but in essence there is nothing to overcome.  The only action that is necessary is acceptance. Acceptance of the hard core realization that your present imagined journey here has been self-inflicted and no imagined one or no imagined anything else is to blame for it. read more

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Out of Consciousness

Why do you always cast consciousness in a negative light?

The state of the body consciousness is not synonymous with the Unborn; the Unborn is prior to it and in no way, shape, or form, resembles a state. Consciousness pertains to existence and existence is a reflection of consciousness. In this mode, existence is the superimposition of consciousness upon the Unborn… read more

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Beyond the Gunas

In your series on the Unborn Bhagavad Gita you cover the significance of the gunas. Would you care to further expound upon their nature; should I be concerned with them? read more

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The True-Self Absolute

What’s the best way to approach the Unborn Mind teachings?

You will ultimately need to jettison all-fixed traditions, ideas, and formalized modes of behavior. They will only weigh-down the Mind with needless clutter that distract from your only true resolve and that is recollecting your True-Self. read more

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You Are a Tiny Spiritual Grain of Sand

Being a series of Unborn Mind Sessions

What is the nature of my existence?

That which asks the question has no formalized existence, nor do you. Here in Unborn Mind Zen we teach that it’s all a matter of Right Buddha Nature…This is in reference to svabhāva, or the intrinsic self-nature of the Unborn. It needs to be underscored that this is exclusively reserved for the Absolute, for *things in the phenomenal* worlds exist only conventionally and lack the Intrinsic-Self of the Unborn. read more

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