Category Archives: Ālaya-vijñāna

Nivṛtti and Pravṛtti Portions

As was stated in our last blog, the ālayavijñāna can be construed as both defiled garbha and as a pure sustainer of all phenomena. There is a treatise known as the Viniścayasaṃgrahaṇī of the Yogācārabhūmi, or better referenced as the Ālaya Treatise. There are two ideations within it known as the Nivṛtti and Pravṛtti Portions which break-down the ālayavijñāna in a more systematic Abhidharmic context. They are defined as follows: read more

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Ālaya, a Seedbed?

In Schmithausen’s minds-eye the precise definition of the term ālayavijñāna indicates “a sticking consciousness,” “a hidden consciousness,” or simply, “the consciousness that is clung to.” The refined notion of a seedbed arrived later, in the minds-eye of the Asanga and Vasubandhus’ of our world. For now, let us bracket them for a little while and witness Schmithausen’s notion. read more

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Before proceeding into Schmithausen’s method of being prior to seed-formation in the ālayavijñāna, another dominate feature needs to be addressed. Firstly, we need to revisit Schmithausen’s Initial Passage: read more

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A Philologist Presents His Case

The renowned Philologist, Lambert Schmithausen, published his groundbreaking work Ālayavijñāna: On the Origin and the Early Development of a Central Concept of Yogacara Philosophy in 1987. His publication brought the Ālayavijñāna into the mainstream since it had hitherto been relegated to isolated articles in philosophical journals. For the Lankavatarians amongst us, Schmithausen’s text may appear odd since his approach is strictly hermeneutical in nature and does not promote the Ālayavijñāna in language we are accustomed to. For instance, the familiar notion as “seedbed” or “receptacle” is by and large downplayed thus making way for a nuanced position that has caused disputes in scholastic circles. We will get to his primary definition momentarily but presently let us now assert that the very soul of his dissertation is relayed in the first five chapters with the remaining ones focusing on certain disagreements with other scholars. For our purposes, we will be addressing those first five. read more

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Ālayavijñāna: The Hallmark of the Yogācāra

Our next chapter in question for this present sutra is Number Five in the Tibetan Translation and Number Three for the Chinese. We have been following John Keenan’s numbering sequence. Basically the difference between the translations is that the Tibetan breaks-down the chapters according to the individual Bodhisattvas, whereas the Chinese bundles them together. read more

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