Monthly Archives: September 2022

Wheel of Fortune-Wheel of Existence

Our next Arcanum bespeaks the Karmic-Fortunes that lie in store for the un-awakened mind, i.e. playing the game, rolling the dice without regard for the consequences. This Wheel of Fortune can either be an open system, or a closed system: read more

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The Hermit-Milarepa

The Hermit is the most outstanding Arcanum of the Tarot—yea, it bespeaks the very nature of the hermetic-spirit. It is the ideal of spiritual-awakening and the advice is quite simple—look inward. The image of a tortoise that withdraws into its shell is brought to mind here, for just so must the eremitical hermit withdraw from outside influences and take refuge in the stillpoint within. By turning inward and reassessing the situation from the Noble-Contemplative vantage-point, one realigns with the Noble Light of Truth. Perhaps the greatest Buddhist illustration of this Eremitic Principle is the great Milarepa, the charismatic Tibetan hermit-poet. A general outline of his life and significance is in order: read more

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Just as the previous Arcanum revealed how inner-equilibrium is attained (through Vajradhara’s Vajra and Ghanta), the presentation of the Arcanum Justice reveals how this equilibrium, once reached, is maintained. Justice also determines how all of us are judgement makers: read more

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The Chariot-Vajradhara

The Arcanum of the Chariot is best marked by Determination which leads to success and triumph. Vajradhara captures the very essence behind this realization. The best way to define his significance is the following: read more

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The Hierophant-Bodhidharma

Historically the Hierophant stands for wisdom and the ongoing strength and teaching of a living spiritual tradition. In our study it relates to mystical-spiritual respiration: read more

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The High Priestess-Mother Prajnaparamita

The Arcanum of the High Priestess discloses how Pure Wisdom builds her house which is referenced as “book” (MOTT). For our purposes this is revealed through the texts of the Prajnaparamita Sutras wherein Mother Prajnaparamita is revealed in all her sacred glory. Firstly, she is a mother born out of her own Womb of Wisdom. Her perfect Voidness signifies the bottomlessness of all phenomena. read more

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The Magician-Padmasambhava

As a backdrop to the phenomenon of Padmasambhava as Magician we first need to consider the magical landscape on which it was spawned. read more

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Buddhist Meditations on the Tarot

The groundbreaking work, Meditations on the Tarot (21 May 1967) was written anonymously by a Christian-Hermeticist Monk and covered extensively everything mystical and philosophical under the sun in the context of Major Arcana cards of the ancient Tarot of Marseilles. It had nothing to do with fortune telling or Divination, but rather focusing on meditation and intuitive insight bearing the mark of a rich Arcanum. As written in a previous series: read more

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