Monthly Archives: November 2013

Some Limitations

Completion of Book III

iii. 50-55 Avoidance of Spiritual Downfalls

3.50 Dispassion towards the Siddhic Powers must be assured lest the yogin succumb to the pride of a grandiose spirit. read more

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Diamond-hard Compactness

iii. 46-49 Spirit-Body Ascending

3.46 The Diamond Body has an adamantine hue that harnesses strength.

As the yogin steadily advances in practice, each cell of the body is refined in the fire of spiritual-perfection. The yogin’s body is now a “spiritual-one”, adamantine—as hard as a diamond—the Diamond-Mind-Spirit-Body. This Body yields to no-thing whatsoever in the created order of existence; as written elsewhere within these blogs: read more

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Ascending the Physical

iii. 38-45 Ascending the Rūpakaya

3.38 Liberation from bondage to the Rūpakaya, the yogin is freed to merge with another mind-essence. read more

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Powers of Spirit

Blue Medicine Buddha by Sally Gradle

iii. 35-37 Spiritual Gnosis

3.35 A bifurcation exists between puruṣa (spirit) and the phenomenal worlds. Objective formalities exist only for utilization by the spiritually advanced yogin. read more

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Powers of Transformation

iii. 21-34 Transformational Capacities

3.21 Through sustained sanyama on the Rūpakaya, the Yogi is rendered indiscernible by the carnally refracted-eye of the perceiver. read more

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Powers of Gnosis

We have now come to the siddhis-proper, or those mystical powers assimilated from the yogic foundation provided from the perfect sanyamaic-discipline, or the techniques of applying Dhāranā, Dhyāna and Samadhi to any given phenomenal energy-field. As can be weighed from all the preceding material, Siddhic-Mastership entails engaging in an extraordinary amount of untold hours developing these salient techniques before the yogin dare engage in utilizing and even bending the laws of psychic-phenomena. Anyone venturing-forth in these uncharted regions without the compass of certitude in the Recollective Resolve does so at their own risk. The chief-factor to bear in mind is, “Who is engaging in these cosmic prerogatives?” If the answer is the captain of the skandhic consciousness, then one is about to sail-forth on a ship of fools indeed. Remember, Caveat Spiritus—let your spirit beware! read more

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The Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism

Just published, the new Princeton Dictionary of Buddhism promises to be a worthy reference tool for students of the Buddhadharma. “At more than one million words, this is the largest dictionary of Buddhism ever produced in the English Language.” read more

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Mutational Maturations

iii. 11-15 Sequences of Transformation

3.11 Samādhi parināma

A Transformational Alteration between the distracted mind-stuff and One-Pointedness. A new focal position of Mind development as the mind-stuff mutates into pure and direct centeredness in the Unborn. read more

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In Transit

iii. 4-10 The Sanyama of the Moment

3.4 The Three-in-One is called Sanyama

Sanyama is the synthesis between Dhāranā, Dhyāna and Samadhi. When the Illuminative Energy is released the Siddhis are born. In this fashion true gnosis on the object of attention is established. Undivided-Awareness (Bodhipower) kicks-in like a cosmic energy-beam, fashioning all aspects of mentality as one so wills. read more

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iii. 3. First-range Samadhi

3.3 Total Mind Absorption

Swami Venkatesananda translates this sutra as:

When the field of observation and the observing intelligence merges as if their own form is abolished and the total intelligence shines as the sole substance or reality, there is pure choiceless awareness without the divided identity of the observer and the observed – that is illumination. read more

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