Monthly Archives: January 2014

The Ten-Thousand Things

One who dwells in dualism,
will be pursued by the ten-thousand things.
Even the most negligible sniff of right and wrong,
and Mind is forever lost in the stench of self-abashment. read more

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(18) Now

You are in truth, pure light.
No more, no less.
The only reality of this light is NOW and nothing else. read more

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Incessant change is the product of a Self-empty World,
All arising and cessating out of sheer ignorance. read more

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(17) Darkness

The times of great darkness and confusion have begun.

These are times of great lies and misdirection.

Many will step forth proclaiming various miracles
and spiritual accomplishments from a deep and empty new age well. read more

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Turn-About and Return to the Root-Source for direct signification;
If you pursue outward appearances you will lose IT. read more

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(16) Intelligence

As long as your Mind is equated and locked within the brain, its intelligence is limited to the karmic predisposition’s of this brain with all the effects this have on ones spiritual health in an environment
of constant uncertainty (samsara). read more

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New Bookshelf in Operation

Special Thank-you to Tozen and our webmaster, Jure Kralj, for our new operational Bookshelf link–on top far right (Bookself new). read more

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Incessant talk and thought,
Keep you far and wide from the Unborn.

Severing insipid speech and circuitous ideations,
Absolves Mind from these obstacles that hinder Right Cogitation. read more

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(15) The Dharmakaya

The fundamental power of the Unborn Mind; the very basis of your present creation, is dark and obscure. read more

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No Distinctions

Being Passive in the Face of Activity,
Only induces Restless-Action.

Hiding in either extreme,
The One Mind will evade you. read more

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