Tag Archives: skandhas

The Five Rogues


As Evan and Pamela traversed the illustrious path of the Unborn Odyssey, Evan found himself lost in thought, reminiscing about his own journey towards Self-realization within the Unborn scheme of things. He began to share his experiences with Pamela, recounting his initial encounters with the Primordial. Evan spoke of his former Ch’an Master, who had guided him towards a deeper understanding of the Unborn, and the gnome-like entity that resided within his own mysterious Tower of Illumination, who had imparted further teachings upon him. read more

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Let-go of Experience

The crux of the problem is to prevent our limited perceptional-tool of “experience” from eclipsing the Reality of the True. In order to arrive at the ultimate Truth, every experience we’ve had or will have in the future must be expunged. Our main point of contention—the skandhas are the carriers of experience. Let us then dissect their composition: read more

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Be Not Attached

2.3 (13) The Stick (Daṇḍa Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. At one time the Blessed One was residing near Sāvatthī, at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. Nearby a large group of boys were beating a snake with a stick. Now the Lord, having dressed in his robe and outer cloak while carrying his alms-bowl, was walking towards Sāvatthī during the forenoon when he encountered those boys between Sávatthì and the Jeta Wood beating that snake with a stick. read more

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(25) The Prisoner

The best sign of knowing that you really have entered the true spiritual principle of the Buddhadharma is that in the beginning all hell breaks loose. Your ordinary life and mind seems at times turned upside down. read more

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(18) Now

You are in truth, pure light.
No more, no less.
The only reality of this light is NOW and nothing else. read more

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Right Attitude


3.31 Those that live fully attuned with my teachings, with undivided faith in the Unborn, are freed from the karmic wheel. read more

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The Muni

2.54 Arjuna addressed the Blessed One, “O’ Lord, what is the transcendent sign that we may recognize someone who is always in deep-samādhis? What would be the signs in his speech, his silent gaze, and in his movements that would attest to this Noble recognition?  read more

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Sans Skandhas, Part 2

In the Sutra, Ānanda continues to equate Mind’s essence with transient discrepancies. The Tathagata even jokingly says at one point, “Now where is it???” Ānanda actually goes through “seven locations” wherein Mind can be positioned until he reaches the logical end of assuming that Mind is equivalent of total “non-attachment” to anything in the created order of existence; the Tathagata here as well, shatters his last assumption, indicating that in itself, non-attachment is equivalent to being separate from some-thing that apparently exists within the scope of the skandhic hemisphere, and hence has some kind of solid location. All in all, any form of temporal “location” is skandhic-dependent. The Pure Dharma-Mind is not dependent upon any temporal and environmental “dharmas”, but rather radiates from the imageless plane of the Dharmatā—or the deathless and Luminous Realm of the Dharmakaya.  Ānanda was relying exclusively upon the Skandhic-Mind, thus being sequestered in the dark forest of illusions and isolating himself from the unsoiled Realization of the Nirvanic Mind. read more

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Sans Skandhas, Part 1

In the midst of the great assembly, the World Honored One then extended his golden arm, rubbed Ananda’s crown, and said to Ananda and the great assembly, “There is a samadhi called the King of the Foremost Shurangama at the Great Buddha’s Summit Replete with the Myriad Practices; it is a path wonderfully adorned and the single door through which the Tathagatas of the ten directions gained transcendence. You should now listen attentively.” Ananda bowed down to receive the compassionate instruction humbly. read more

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The Void is devoid of Void

5. The Consolation of the Invalid, cont’d

Manjusri: Householder, why is your house empty? Why have you no servants?
Vimalakirti: Manjusri, all buddha-fields are also empty.
Manjusri: What makes them empty?
Vimalakirti: They are empty because of emptiness.
Manjusri: What is “empty” about emptiness?
Vimalakirti: Constructions are empty, because of emptiness.
Manjusri: Can emptiness be conceptually constructed?
Vimalakirti: Even that concept is itself empty, and emptiness cannot construct emptiness.
Manjusri: Householder, where should emptiness be sought?
Vimalakirti: Manjusri, emptiness should be sought among the sixty-two convictions.
Manjusri: Where should the sixty-two convictions be sought?
Vimalakirti: They should be sought in the liberation of the Tathagatas.
Manjusri: Where should the liberation of the Tathagatas be sought?
Vimalakirti: It should be sought in the prime mental activity of all living beings. Manjusri, you ask me why I am without servants, but all Maras and opponents are my servants. Why? The Maras advocate this life of birth and death and the bodhisattva does not avoid life. The heterodox opponents advocate convictions, and the bodhisattva is not troubled by convictions. Therefore, all Maras and opponents are my servants.
Manjusri: Householder, of what sort is your sickness?
Vimalakirti: It is immaterial and invisible.
Manjusri: Is it physical or mental?
Vimalakirti: It is not physical, since the body is insubstantial in itself. It is not mental,
since the nature of the mind is like illusion.
Manjusri: Householder, which of the four main elements is disturbed – earth, water, fire,
or air?
Vimalakirti: Manjusri, I am sick only because the elements of living beings are disturbed by sicknesses. read more

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