Category Archives: The Afterglow

How a Lankavatarian becomes impregnated

Laura Iverson

Suppose you were to awaken one day and discover that what you once conceived to be “you” unraveled and revealed itself to be a combination of five different parts all vying for attention: a concretized formal entity that is comprised of sensate impressions; these sensate impressions suddenly branch out and perceive its apparent environment through the medium of conflicting pleasurable or disagreeable feelings; suddenly the scene shifts again as everything undergoes a morphosis into pure cognitive mentation as it first begins to conceptualize just what it construes to be perceived phenomena;  now firmly attached to all that is moving within this great phenomenal craze, bundled and conditioned patterns of habitual karmic associations emerge and predetermines all future perceptions through the constricted lens of  preconceived discriminations; thus consciousness is born and is heavily dependent upon all the aforementioned aggregates as it crawls through samsara in sentient fashion—seeing and hearing and smelling and tasting and touching and evaluating and feebly trying to focus and make some sense of it all whilst at the same time, being hindered and inextricably linked and allied with a vast storehouse consciousness (Alaya-vijnana) of self-same interdependent origination since time immemorial. read more

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The Unborn is not God

God and the Unborn are not the same. The former is based upon an anthropomorphic myth that God has a personality. There is no person, no personality in the Unborn. When you embrace this concept of God then you are limiting yourself, creating boundaries, even judgmental ones. The Unborn is Unbound, limitless like the clear, boundless sky. The God Jehovah is a jealous, judgmental God. His fictional creation will come to an end one day because it was a fiction all along. The Unborn is not a creator. It does not Lord over apparent creation, and It never judges. It always IS and there was never a time when It was not.  When you are in tune with the Unborn then you are in tune with your innate Self-nature. Pure. Without the stink of anthropomorphism. Consider the apparent saintly ones. They have the stench of the charnel house about them. They are never in tune with their own innate Unbornness. It fact they are always against it and hence they self-torture themselves. In turn they cause their own suffering. If you find yourself in incessant suffering and always standing in judgment over yourself and others, then you are not in tune with the Unborn. The Unborn does not wear the false-hood of the executioner. It is the Deathless Master over all your fears. So, celebrate your own Unbornness, it will lighten and enlighten your spirit. read more

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Can you celebrate the 100,000 suns?

Can you celebrate the 100,000 suns? Such will be the gamut of your Bardo experience. In the Bardo of Dharmatā, the Dharmatā Buddha will shower you with the primordial light of 100,000 suns. In this pivotal moment of reunification and refulgent immersion, one will not be burnt to toast but instead all that has been false in you throughout the millennia will dissipate like a young moth unfurling her wings from its darkened and stinking cocoon.  Do you see this glimmer of recognition? For the first time you are beholding your original face, not that false persona that societal norms have inflicted upon you. If you’re not careful, this window of golden opportunity will be lost—perhaps for further kalpas untold. For most, this will be an unbearable occurrence as they are terrified and repelled by the brilliance of this resilient light as they slither away in search of softer, more garish lights of further rebecoming in one of the six realms of impermanence. Prior-preparedness is vital. Undergo the gnosis of the Deathless Sound of the Tathagatakaya, that necessary mind-training lathered in Deep Samadhis that permanently expunges any further regenesis. Without this Final Release all is lost. read more

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Bodhipower—yours to use or abuse

Left to its own devices mind is constantly on self-destruct alert. It is always living on the periphery of life, neglecting its absolute center which houses the antidote–the only means of avoiding that self-destruct button. The mind needs to re-code its priorities, today there is no other choice, either one reboots the mind-set or else global suicide will be the result. Bodhipower itself is neutral, it is either in the service of Self-awakening and transcendence or, by way of inversion, in the service of self-destruction. It can free mind from its tethers or allow it to go off gallivanting into the sunset of disservice by serving the dark masters of ruin and annihilation. So, this great power at the center of your being is always at your disposal; it will follow your lead or you will allow its improper misuse to lead you downwards into karmic consequences too horrible to even fathom. The choice is always yours. If your answer is in the affirmative of allowing this marvelous deathless source to sustain you in all your ways, know that in so doing you’re tapping into an endless ability to bend and shape the life-force of this translucent dark principle of Unborn Bodhipower in the same fashion that the apparent “you” are empowered to read these lines. You do have the power. Use it well. read more

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The Primordials

The Primordials are spiritual benefactors who will never let you down and they will guard you in all your ways. They always have your back and are forever ready to intercede on behalf of the most diligent of adepts. Their source is an inner Yin-Dragon factor, That Primordial Dark Energy that sustains the entire cosmos, which is the very lifeblood of the Primordials themselves. Under their sacred tutelage the Primordials will make you vividly aware that spiritual growth is not the concern of some secluded and thus isolated skandhic persona, but rather the very vivifying interaction with Divine associations that enhance and enlighten the way forward in the perennial Quest of the Unborn. If you maintain this spiritual-symbiosis then the Primordials will shower you with a profound Buddha-gnosis that will reveal the elemental-alchemical key that unlocks the code to the secret treasuries of the Unborn Buddha Mind which forever liberates one from any further samsaric incarceration.  If you can grasp this undivided mystery then the Primordials will point you in the Right Direction of melding with the very Tathatic-Mind Itself. read more

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Pleasurable Prajñāpāramitā

Pleasurable Prajñāpāramitā ushers-in a boundless Buddha-realm that is devoid of all contingent sentimentalities such as sentient beings who bake pies infused with discriminatory ingredients that never satisfies the oversaturated diet of superfluous notions like samsara or nirvana. Thus nothing is neither gained nor lost. The herald of such a no-nonsense realm is the Cittadhatu ennobled with the Element of Truth thus ending all habitual vicissitudes of a once diseased consciousness that labored endlessly in rotten fields of no-good merit. This herald’s Queen is the Element of Perfected Transfiguration who gives birth to the Clear-Light Child whose tabernacle is the Supreme Buddhadharma—home of the exalted Prince of the Tathagatas. read more

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The Mystic Eye

Do you see the eye directly in the center of your forehead? If not, take note that It sees you and promises you entrance to the gateless gate of the Unborn Mind. As such you will never see it or know it’s there in an ordinary sense because It is the Primordial Eye of Noble Wisdom Itself. It’s the eye of the Deathless Dharmakaya looking back upon Itself. But this watchful Dragon-Eye invites you to enter into the Imageless domain of the Shining Ones. It is only in this fashion that the scales will drop from ordinary vision and instill you with the Maha-vision of knowing the Dharmadhātu. Reality AS IT IS. Seeing with this Mystic Eye the clouds of illusion are forever parted as you learn to trust in what you cannot see more than what your former skandhic-prism did by preventing the real light from shining through. You now KNOW Truth from the UN-reality of your anti-self which has always been the supposed-watcher but in actuality was an imposter all along. Your own Urna or third-eye point has awakened—that supreme spiritual location from which the supernal vision of the Unborn Gnosis flows unhindered. The authentic Biguan-point.  Open-It, Own It, Live WITH It, It will never let you down. read more

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The Cosmic Pendulum

Uwe Bremer

Swinging aimlessly in the desert of the mind, the Cosmic Pendulum continues to apparently pin-you down with its awful perpetual momentum–back and forth, back and forth. Such has been your imagined existence throughout the endless kalpas, caught between going back and forth into apparent existences–new faces and thrills but the same ol’ swing mesmerizing you time and time again. Like a little bird with a broken wing there is no possibility of becoming free and taking flight. But unbeknownst to you the birdcage is open, it’s always been open. Suddenly the realization dawns that the self-image you’ve held for so long was falsely an arbitrary one. In point of fact, you are imageless and infinitely free from your former self-imposed cage beneath that awful weight—enough! What is this? Abruptly the cage and pendulum disappear—and so this is your passport for a one-way ticket into the heart of the Unborn. There is no going back, unless you choose to remain spellbound to the ride, that endless to and fro into the darkness of perpetual mediocrity and love of self-bondage. Expergiscere! read more

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Birthing the Bodhichild

Within you is the Buddha-seed or gotra, which we refer here to as the Bodhichild. But this child cannot be birthed in a forced or worse yet, in an artificial manner. Its potentiality is already there, it just needs a little coaxing through proper nourishment via the Buddhadharma. It’s there but you have been carrying it for so long that it may result in a still-birth. This is the direct cause of your inner-anguish, you sense something is there inside that wants to come out, that wants to be born, but your resistance is killing it; it’s like a woman carrying a fetus for more than nine-months—it’s not natural and this unnaturalness is malignancy itself.  Only a monstrous tumor is the end result. It seems to be a contradiction, but you first need to be empty before this transcendent birth can occur. Emptied of all that is in opposition to the Unborn. Emptied of emptiness itself. read more

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Is the Unborn A Religion?

We would not want one to confuse Unborn Mind Zen with some form of new religion. Religion, at its heart, comes from the Latin, religare–meaning to be bound to. Much of the ongoing chaos in the world is directly tied to religion. Especially when people are indeed so “bound to it” that they lose all sense of responsible reason. Many continue to be slaughtered all in the name of religion, something that has been ongoing since time immemorial. And without realizing it, people are slaughtering themselves in the process. Let us take Christianity as an example. Those bound to that mindset try to avoid suffering in all of its forms but instead, become part of the suffering itself. If you follow a guy with a cross, you can expect having trouble and misery as a constant companion. The outcome can only be what Søren Kierkegaard described as Fear and Trembling. It’s actually creating a roadblock to freedom from such nonsense. I’ve seen the self-destruction firsthand and it’s a terrible recognition. Incessant worrying is the result, and this actually breaks-down the spirit and definitely creates psychophysical illnesses. Your life becomes just one big cross and suffering is there as an unwanted companion through it all. The more one prays, the greater the torment. An endless cycle of a self-fulfilling prophecy which at the end of life says, “Father, why have you abandoned me?” Millions wait for Jesus to come again and in so doing life itself just becomes one agonizing anticipation for something that will never happen. Jesus is long dead, now go on living! The Unborn is That which is Uncomposed, Undying, and Uncreated. It is not any ism, Its Unbounded Liberation Itself. read more

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