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Tag Archives: prajnaparamita
Pleasurable Prajñāpāramitā

Pleasurable Prajñāpāramitā ushers-in a boundless Buddha-realm that is devoid of all contingent sentimentalities such as sentient beings who bake pies infused with discriminatory ingredients that never satisfies the oversaturated diet of superfluous notions like samsara or nirvana. Thus nothing is neither gained nor lost. The herald of such a no-nonsense realm is the Cittadhatu ennobled with the Element of Truth thus ending all habitual vicissitudes of a once diseased consciousness that labored endlessly in rotten fields of no-good merit. This herald’s Queen is the Element of Perfected Transfiguration who gives birth to the Clear-Light Child whose tabernacle is the Supreme Buddhadharma—home of the exalted Prince of the Tathagatas.
Posted in The Afterglow
Tagged dharmadhatu, Element of Truth, inconceivable samādhi, Manjusri, prajnaparamita
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Shredding Conceptualizations

Our next chapter clarifies the nature of ultimate meaning (paramārtha) in the panache of the Prajñāpāramitā. This method shreds all conceptionalities since they are mere inventions that are self-empty and thus lack any Real Substance [Core-Essence] or svabhāva.

Image by Lori Gardi
- As long as there is something attained, there is so much error rising; when the Mind itself is thoroughly understood, error neither rises nor ceases.
The perennial problem often with zen-adepts is that some form of objective needs to be met—something to strive after and thus something attainable. Mystically this is very faulty reasoning because there really is no-thing out there to be attained, it’s a form of objective fallacy. The great Hui Hai once put this to rest by proclaiming, knowing that there is nothing attainable or achievable is the Self-Realization of the Dharmakaya of the Buddhadharma. Furthermore, Anuttarasamyaksambodhi is thus a Self-Perfection that is beyond both the attainable/ [Un]attainable.
Posted in A Mystical Odyssey through the Sagathakam
Tagged Bodhiprajñā, Heart Sutra, Hui Hai, Prajñā, prajnaparamita, Tozen
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Towards a Psychology of the Māras, Part I

The Sacred India Tarot
At the outset here one needs to be aware that the context in which Māra(s) is spoken is mythic in scope. Far more than any cognitively-based amalgams of collective-experiences shared in the human psyche—this mythos is more-than-human. It involves cosmic-forces that have been around longer than the early dawn of mankind’s limited evolutionary experiences. As Robert Warren Clark states in his excellent Dissertation, Māra: Psychopathology and Evil in the Buddhism of India and Tibet:
Posted in Māra and Satan
Tagged Abhisankhāra-Māra, amānuṣamāra, ātmagrāha, catvārimāra, Devaputramara, Khandha-Māra, Kileśa-Māra, kleśa, kleṣamāra), liberation, Maccu-Māra, Mara, Māradhatu, maranamāra, mṛtyupatimāra, myth, Patañjali, prajnaparamita, psychopathology, Robert Warren Clark, samsara, Six Paramitas, skandhamāra, the four Maras, Vikalpa, vikalpanāmā
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Emptiness on a Thursday Afternoon

Mahāratnakūṭa Sūtra
46. Mañjuśrī Teaches Prajñāpāramitā
Translated from Taishō Tripiṭaka volume 11, number 310
Posted in Mañjuśrī Teaches Prajñāpāramitā
Tagged Bhagavān, bhiksus, Bodhisattva, Dharma, Emptiness, Manjusri, prajnaparamita, Right Contemplation, saṃgha, Śāriputra, sunyata
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The Propensity for Buddha-gnosis
The most important point to grasp in the nature of Awakening is that first and foremost one needs to be human.
A Rare Diamond
The Diamond Sutra (Vajrachchedika Prajnaparamita Sutra) occupies a unique position in the vast literature of the Mahayana. One of the earliest to highlight a doctrinal understanding of the Prajñāpāramitā motifs in Mahayana Literature, an important discovery of an ancient woodblock print of the Sutra back in 1907 within the “caves of the thousand Buddhas” just outside Dunhuang and preserved for centuries within this topographical arid desert, presents a most fascinating and enduring—as well as an endearing—captivation of this ancient artifact. One of my primary resources for the development of this series on the Diamond Sutra is Mu Soeng’s “The Diamond Sutra: transforming the way we perceive the world”, Wisdom Publications, 2000. Soeng’s early description of the paramount significance of this Wisdom-Sutra is indeed grand; I just could not surrender a syllable and it runs thus: