Category Archives: The Udāna

The Udāna and Covid 19

In these unprecedented times I shall remember these days as my Udāna period here at Unborn Mind Zen. With this new rendition of the suttas written in Light of the Unborn and accompanied with exegesis the ever-present and dominant backdrop has been the lingering presence of Covid 19. I live in upstate NY, pretty close to ground zero in NYC. The death tallies just keep adding up and up, hopefully there will be a peak shortly. But returning to anything resembling normalcy just isn’t in the cards any time soon. The economy has been destroyed, and millions are out of work—quickly to surpass Depression-Era statistics. Social distancing has become the new norm. I used to write many blogs encouraging solitude and aloneness but this present period out-trumps them all. It all started in early March when the Zennist informed us on his blog that he has suffered a debilitating stroke—we wish him well and recovery soon—but it was just a black omen of what has been befalling us since. I pray for the safety and well-being of everyone—we’re all in the same boat together on this one. Despite the doom and gloom we still need to take heart. This horror-show will one day subside, the enemy will be defeated, and it will all become a tragic memory indelibly etched in our collective-consciousness. read more

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The Melody of the Unborn

8.3 (73) Parinibbāna (Nibbāna Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. On one occasion the Blessed One was residing near Sāvatthī, at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. On that auspicious occasion the Blessed One was instructing and arousing and inspiring the monks with a discourse centered on Nibbāna. The monks opened their Dharma-ear and responded wholeheartedly to the Dhamma being displayed before them. read more

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A Leper’s Tale

5:3 (43) The Leper (Suppabuddhakuṭṭhisuttaṁ)

Thus has it been made known. At another time the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha, at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels’ Feeding Sanctuary. On that occasion there lived a poor and wretched leper, Suppabuddha, who saw a large gathering of people and thought to himself, “Surely, there are some distributions of food being offered, let me go there and receive some staples of nourishment.” Coming closer, he beheld that the Blessed One was teaching Dhamma to a gathered assembly. “There is no food here, but the recluse Gotama is teaching Dhamma. Let me go near and listen to his discourse.” read more

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The Rape of Sundarī

4.8 (38) Sundarī (Sundarī Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. At one time the Blessed One was residing near Sāvatthī, at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. Throughout this time the Blessed One was highly honored and revered and much was deferred to him in supplies of robes and alms-food and medicinal prerequisites for the sick and disabled. But the wanderers of other sects detested wholeheartedly the attention shown to the Dharma Lord and his disciples. And so out of spite they approached Sundarī the female wanderer and asked her, “Good sister, what would you be willing to do for the good of your kinsman?” read more

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A Tale of Two Solitaries

4:5 (35) The Nāga Elephant (Nāga Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. At one time the Blessed One was dwelling near Kosambī, in Ghosita’s Resort. During this interval the Blessed-One was living in over-crowded conditions, with monks and nuns, both men and women lay followers, by royal ministers and sectarians and their followers. Living under such harried circumstances, the Dharma Lord spoke thusly to himself: “Here I am being hemmed-in from all sides, by people of sundry walks of life, feeling great discomfit and very ill-at-ease. Suppose I were to live alone and apart from this overwhelming crowd?” read more

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A Comedy of Errors

 4:4 (34) Moonlit (Juñha Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. Once the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha, at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels’ Feeding Sanctuary. At about that time the Venerable Sāriputta and Venerable Mahāmoggallāna were staying in the Pidgeon’s Grotto. Upon one moonlit night, the Venerable Sāriputta with his head newly shaven, was sitting in the open air while undergoing a certain profound concentration. read more

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All that Glitters is not Gold

4: Meghiya

4:1 (31) Meghiya (Meghiya Sutta)

Thus it was made known. On one occasion the Blessed One was staying near Cālikā, on Cālikā mountain. It was during this time that Venerable Meghiya was his sole attendant. Venerable Medhiya approached the Dharma Lord and asked for permission to go into Jantu Village for alms-gathering. read more

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Le Monde

3:10 (30) The World (Loka Sutta)

Thus it was made known. On one blissful occasion the Blessed One was contemplating near Uruvelā, on the bank of the river Nerañjarā which nearby stood the Bodhi-Tree with its unsullied-roots, having just realized Anuttara Samyak Sambodhi. Throughout that most auspicious occasion the Blessed One remained seated in a singular position for seven days and came to experience the meritorious bliss of Final Release. Upon emerging from that supernal-concentration, the Blessed One measured the World with the Buddha-Eye. That Singular-Eye reviewed the World with its sentient beings being tormented in both mind and spirit, all feverishly born from the raging flames of desire, hatred and delusion.  read more

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My habit-energy made me do it

3.6 (26) Pilindavaccha (Pilindavaccha Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. At another time the Blessed One was staying near Rājagaha, at the Bamboo Grove, the Squirrels’ Feeding Sanctuary. Around this time the Venerable Pilindavaccha was wont to accuse his neighboring monks as being social misfits. read more

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Imperturbable Concentration

3:3 (23) Yasoja (Yasoja Sutta)

Thus has it been made known. At one time the Blessed One was residing near Sāvatthī, at the Jeta Grove in Anāthapiṇḍika’s Park. It was during this time that 500 monks, supervised by Yasoja, had arrived in Sāvatthī with the purpose of seeing the Blessed One. The new arrivals greeted the resident monks, set-up their bedding and arranging their bowls and robes, while creating a great commotion as they engaged in these actions. Upon hearing this disconcerting sound, the Blessed One called upon the Venerable Ānanda and asked, “Ānanda, what is that awfully loud noise? It sounds like the racket fishermen make with their catch.” read more

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