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Category Archives: The Great Perfection of the Unborn Mind: A Book of Privy Counseling
Unborn Mind Maxims

Do not fall prey to the agitated mind.
It is only in the base that you will find bliss.
This is an actionless affair and well beyond any pretext of acting.
The demon of attachment is near at hand, cut it off!
Throw away any consideration of neti, neti–not this, not that,
As the inseparability of all that is perfected is of one-fruit.
Be a child of the Sugatas, determined yet supple.
Hence, child, look at your Mind again and again!
Allow everything to self-liberate There and nowhere else.
Until you enter the castle of no birth, no death,
You will be forever lost in the courtyard of re-becoming.
Staying thought-free is self-realized Wisdom.
Being in the Unborn is likened to a vast sea without waves.
Your rightful home is in the cloudless vault of the sky,
Where Immaculate wisdom is at your beck and call.
Beloved, all the deities and evil spirits are this very mind of yours.
If you see mind essence, that is the Great Perfection of the Unborn.
Instant karma is hell while intrinsic awareness is the Dharmakaya.
In the essence THAT IS Samantabhadra there is neither hope nor fear.
Unless you feel revulsion towards samsara, liberation is far spent.
Be spontaneously relaxed and thus worry free.
Always be mindful, the authentic teacher is in your own mind.
Slay the Watcher!

Not allowing mind to abide in a naturally relaxed status only binds and imprisons one in mental fixations. These rigid obscurations only induce karmic traces to linger and take root. Even if you were to meditate for a thousand kalpas there will be no severance from illusions and thus nirvanic freedom is forever lost. If such episodes self-subside, any former karmic influences will be purified. So slay the delusional watcher! In doing so forestalls anticipation in watching for any further and unwarranted movement. Simply stay still and relax in the dolemen of the mind.
Instant Premier Stature

In the ineffable final equation that is minus all thought and substance, IT shines through clearly and without distraction. This natural clarity of the Self-luminous Mind is Samantabhadra, one’s instant premier stature. That IS the Dharmakaya; apart from this realization there can be no enlightenment. You question this still? Look again! If some semblance of shape and color appears, that is not the Dharmakaya. Devoid of that busyness, there is nothing but the void playing on the top of a thimble. That is the fundamental base-essence, without a smidgen to spare.
The Mighty Five

It is with non-meditation that the Dharmakaya arises.
Never seek for anything for in so doing you will be gaining everything.
Neither Birth Nor Death

The Natural poise of the Unborn Mind knows neither birth nor death. Between the two of them, it makes no difference as the Unborn Self-nature will remain the same–deathless. This Great Perfection cannot be altered nor shaped since It is immeasurable and boundless. Where’ere It may be It leaves no trail behind bearing distinguishing marks. Movement It has none yet It appears to be moving towards no direction in particular. It never dominates yet is dominant in all situations. Of darkness and light It knows not yet It is a living flame illuminating the darkness of its own dominion. Just be present to these realizations and eventually become stabilized in It. That is the only qualifiable form of meditation. Don’t expect anything–this is the best way of avoiding trouble. Only This and No-Way else.
Dark Contemplation

Contemplation in the Great Perfection of the Unborn Mind entails simply resting in the Natural Primordial Order. This has nothing to do with any form of meditation that is induced through any mental activities of the carnal mind. To the contrary, it is the total abeyance of discursive thought movement by being at one with the Unborn thus stilling all former cognitive operations. It needs to be stated unequivocally that this contemplation is as different from meditation as chalk is to cheese. This includes bypassing the ascension of even the highest dhyana that still entails a one-pointed concentration that is forever interlocked with normal cognitive functions. Dark Contemplation is totally beyond all these mechanisms, even beyond the vaunted [being] “prior-to” all phenomena since this “priorness” is still mind-initiated–an intensive and intentional [action.] Dark Contemplation is far and removed from these mentalized trifles, beyond any sequences of cause and effect, beyond time-bracketed functionality itself. At the same instance, the Unborn remains the source and very matrix of all phenomenal associations.
Black Star Dharmakaya

Laura Iverson
Be attuned with the transmission of the essential non-practice, the Black Star Dharmakaya, who is the teacher in eternity. Self-originated and Unborn, the teachings of this Black Star can never be exhausted or diminished since It is not subjected to substantiality. Just remain non-fixated far and removed from any causal matters or conditioned responses to any secondary dharmatas that can never lift a finger before the eternal flame of the Unborn. This is the ultimate in being Self-sufficient, beyond all discourse with no need for any shallow understanding or inadequate rumblings from the hollow mind. Sitting for long sessions in meditation are redundant and can even be a distraction away from the natural disposition (Dark-contemplation) that is best suited for simply remaining in the Natural Primordial Order. Without further much ado about nothing, you will soon gain the insight that everything has but just a single-taste.
Get On With It!

The Great Perfection of the Unborn Mind is the highest expression of the Spiritual Life. This actualization empowers one to Realize that all-there-is emanates from an invisible, yet transcendentally abundant origination. The Great Perfection is, above all else, the Intrinsic Awareness behind this Self-originating Principle. As such It is primordially present within the mind-stream of all sentitalia AS the Self-Nature of Buddha Dharmakaya. At the same time there is nothing special here to be grasped or apprehended, but only Self-Actualized. Get on with It!