Tag Archives: Urna

The Mystic Eye

Do you see the eye directly in the center of your forehead? If not, take note that It sees you and promises you entrance to the gateless gate of the Unborn Mind. As such you will never see it or know it’s there in an ordinary sense because It is the Primordial Eye of Noble Wisdom Itself. It’s the eye of the Deathless Dharmakaya looking back upon Itself. But this watchful Dragon-Eye invites you to enter into the Imageless domain of the Shining Ones. It is only in this fashion that the scales will drop from ordinary vision and instill you with the Maha-vision of knowing the Dharmadhātu. Reality AS IT IS. Seeing with this Mystic Eye the clouds of illusion are forever parted as you learn to trust in what you cannot see more than what your former skandhic-prism did by preventing the real light from shining through. You now KNOW Truth from the UN-reality of your anti-self which has always been the supposed-watcher but in actuality was an imposter all along. Your own Urna or third-eye point has awakened—that supreme spiritual location from which the supernal vision of the Unborn Gnosis flows unhindered. The authentic Biguan-point.  Open-It, Own It, Live WITH It, It will never let you down. read more

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The Lion’s Yawn Samādhi

The Assembly, through a miraculous array of questioning mode, inquires upon the gnosis behind the Buddha’s past attainments and vastly transcendent spiritual powers of the Tathāgata. It needs to be highlighted at this junction that Buddha Sākyamuni in this sutra—as well as the whole of the Avatamsaka corpus—appears in his supernal aspect as Buddha Vairocana. Discerning the request from the assembly he enters into the sublime Samādhi known as the “Lion’s Yawn” (sihavijmbhita). Within this miraculous display of undivided-bodhipower his peaked dwelling is transformed into a vast space adorned with myriad jewels and banners and flags of all designs. Yet, what follows is equally an unfolding marvel: read more

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Supplication and Vowed Fidelity

Thus have I heard. Once the Buddha was dwelling in the garden of Anāthapindada, in the Jeta Grove, near Śrāvastī. At that time, King Prasenajit and Queen Mallikā of Kosala had just had an initial realization of the Dharma. They said to each other, “Our daughter, Srīmālā, is kind, intelligent, learned, and wise. If she could see the Tathāgata, she would be quick to understand the profound Dharma and would have no doubt about it whatsoever. We should now send an eloquent messenger to her to rouse her sincere faith.”  read more

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