Tag Archives: Mind

The well of no origin

Please share what you have, so I may quench this thirst.

The well is over there. Why don´t you taste the water yourself? read more

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The untrapped Mind

The untrapped Mind is the Mind of Nirvana.

Where defiled minds dwell in countless positions of their own making, the untrapped Mind remains free in the shining reality of its own uncreatedness. read more

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Open your mouth

Open your mouth, utter a single syllable, type a single word and you merely are spreading the illusion of your own perception of what you believe, at any given moment, to be the equal or part of an absolute reality. read more

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The first thing ever expressed by an enlightened sage

The first thing ever expressed by an enlightened sage to any given student of the way is the wordless proof that “there is only Mind”.  This is the very same dharma professed by all bodhisattvas maha bodhisattvas and Buddhas.Whatever more sentient beings might see, either by the appearance of words, various meanings via composed doctrines and other forms of literal conveyance, it all falls back on that first wordless truth of the Absolute, that is immaculate, permanent, unborn, read more

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Faith and enlightenment in Zen

All born things are subject to entropy. Nothing created can ever escape the critical point of its own decay and final dissolution.  read more

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Know your true nature

As an inexhaustible producer of form and emptiness,

the great Mind Essence remains permanently  imageless. read more

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The Zen of your own-being

Om svabhava suddha sarva dharma svabhava suddho’ham. [1]

Character is nothing, own-being is everything. Thus, such is the path of enlightenment  that a being of good merit should choose not to foster character but unveil the clear light of their own-being to themselves. read more

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The Zen that is quicker than lightning.

Once upon a time a good mind of the way transported its body to a supposed place of a great Mind Master,  as to inquire into the mystery of the Buddhadharma. read more

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The light of compassion

A mind of great honor, moderation and intelligence is not necessarily a mind  of foolish shortsightedness, nor is it one poor in compassion and humor.
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Finding [recollecting] the Unborn Mind.

Abiding in the blinding darkness of ignorance is not easy. If anything, countless sentients, suffering on a daily basis no matter their status in a grinding maze of discontentment can attest to this fact. If not in their best hour, at least in their worst. read more

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