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Tag Archives: bodhicitta
The Resurgence of the Venerable Teacher

This impression endured for a fleeting moment, until his eyes readjusted and he was abruptly transported to the shoreline of an expansive beach, which appeared to be of an otherworldly magnitude, with colossal worlds suspended in the distance. Initially, he was under the impression that he was in a state of reverie. However, the authenticity of the waves crashing a few yards away from him and the slimy, algae-covered rocks that extended into the ocean could not be disputed. He ventured forth to discover what this new reality might bring.
Posted in The Unborn Odyssey: A Novel
Tagged Ariyan Mind, bodhichild, bodhicitta, Buddha family, Ch'an Master
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Omniscient Gnosis

Bodhicitta is directly translated as Enlightened-Mind (or Enlightened Consciousness) but also as the Bodhisattva being ready for the next step and that is the “production of the Thought of Enlightenment.” Suzuki identifies it as being Bodhi itself, or as Lankavatarians like to refer to it as “Bodhipower”, or the very vivifying power of the Enlightened Unborn Mind. All of this is bracketed by Bodhicittapada—or the self-awakened and compassionate Mindseal of the Tathagatas, as such it is inconceivable and omniscient. The term for this omniscience is sarvajñajñāna:
The Cult of Compassion

Bodhicitta is a misused and abused term in our dark age. It has become stripped-down to a mere puddle of mediocrity in the hands of those “do-gooders” who paint the world according to their own misguided assessment and faulty utilization of the term–in effect, it has become hijacked by the “cult of compassion.” Compassion itself used to be aligned with agape—or burning with love for the divine. When employed as such it was a direct channel for divine agencies themselves to intervene in human affairs and apply that com-(with the divines’ own) passionate embrace that alone can assure lasting healing and positive aftermaths. Today it has become a whore and tool of Mara, a fiery cult that masks its true intentions of not providing comfort and reassurance, but rather the employment of hidden agendas of keeping one in bondage and subservient to the evil will of politically-correct overlords who never have the good-will of individuals at heart, but rather their mass-incarceration into a dark-collective, much like the mechanized Borgs of Star-Trek the Next Generation fame.
Posted in Bodhicitta, Contemporary Musings, Spirituality
Tagged Agape, bodhicitta, Compassion, love, The Borg
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Dharmatā jumpstarts Bodhicitta

In continuance of our blog from yesterday, Dorji Wangchuk utilizes an article published in 1965 (in German) by the Japanese scholar, Kumatarō Kawada, based on the transcendent and immanent nature of bodhicitta. Our interest is on the article’s discussion of the relationship between bodhicitta and dharmatā. It [rightly] argues that the highest truth—the dharmatā, or the Absolute Essence that is realized inwardly by oneself—is always [the master] over such appellations as Buddha, bodhisattva, bodhicitta, ect:
Posted in Bodhicitta, Spirituality, Uncategorized
Tagged bodhicitta, Dharmata, Kumatarō Kawada
The Buddha Types

Am presently reading an excellent study on the generation of bodhicitta by Dorji Wangchuk in his work, The Resolve to Become a Buddha, A Study of the Bodhicitta Concept in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism. Themed closely is the actual account of what firstly constitutes being a Buddha. The following for your perusal are some of his preliminary accounts of such an understanding.
Posted in Bodhicitta, Spirituality, Uncategorized
Tagged bodhicitta, Buddha, Dorji Wangchuk
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A Clarification of the Fundamental-Essence

5. A Clarification of the Fundamental-Essence
After that the [Supreme Source], mind of perfect purity, instructed [Vajrasattva] in the concise meaning of the teachings about Her own being:
The Central Vigor

4. The Central Vigor
Then the [Supreme Source], mind of perfect purity, gave the following talk about the Reality of the names [given] to Her own being.
Kulayarāja Tantra—The Motherly Buddha

Firstly, I’d like to commend Jonathan for forwarding me the link to the E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay’s translation (The Sovereign All-Creating Mind-The Motherly Buddha:A Translation of the Kun byed rgyal po’i mdo) of this majestic-work. Am most familiar with her erudite skills as another of her books, The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet, was the main source of inspiration for my Bodhi-film, Terma: A Mind Film by Vajragoni. From a traditional standpoint, this tantra (extant in Tibetan) presents and focuses on the Supernal-Mind Teaching of the Primordial Buddha, Samantabhadra, who is personified in the text as Bodhicitta, or the Awakened Buddha Mind. We will shortly discuss how for E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay, the text is better rendered as the feminine-side of the Primordial Buddha, or Samantabhadrī—thus the subtitle of this Blog, The Motherly Buddha. First though, how is Bodhicitta best understood in the context of this tantra? Another resource we will be using side by side with the E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay translation is the Dominantly Superb, The Supreme Source:
The World of Appearance

- Though multitudinousness of things has no [real] existence as such, they appear to the intoxicated as like fire-flies because of their constitutional disturbance; like-wise is the world essentially [appearance].
Our apparent world is based on intoxication. Enamored with the colorful dance of the vijnanas, the perceiver can be likened unto a drunkard, stumbling about in a maze of uncertainty as to what is truly Real.
The Fab-Four

Chapter Eight: The Four Dependables
(Mark L. Blum translation):
The Buddha said:
Good man, within this Subtle Sutra of the Great Nirvana there are four kinds of people who capably protect the true-dharma, promote the true-dharma, and keep the true-dharma in their thoughts. They bring much in the way of blessings and mercy to the world, for they are supports for the world, [sources of] tranquil bliss for humans and gods alike.
Posted in The Mahāparinirvāṇasūtra
Tagged anāgāmin, Arhat, āryapudgala, bodhicitta, Buddha Vehicle, catuḥpratisaraṇa, Dharmata, mindstream, sakṛdāgāmin, srotaāpanna
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