Tag Archives: Atiyoga

The Four Tantric Yogas

8. The Four Tantric Yogas

The Samantabhadrī Discourse continues:

“Suchness is devoid of one in the All of no-oneness. My Unborn Beingness is the Such that reflects through objectified dharmata. As such, each apparent separate object contains the seedness of the Such in unison with ITs undivided nature. Contemplating this empowers one to gaze inwardly into the Core-Such. As My Beingness is the Core-Such in Its Self-Actualization of non-dualness, there are four yogas that emanate from this inner-tranquility as drawn from the experience and differing modes and qualities of practitioners: Sattvayoga, Mahāyoga, Anuyoga, and Atiyoga.” read more

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The Place where the Primordial Speaks

Art by Mara Berendt Friedman

1. The Place where the Primordial Speaks

Homage to the [Supreme Source], the mind of complete purity, the victorious one! read more

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Kulayarāja Tantra—The Motherly Buddha

Firstly, I’d like to commend Jonathan for forwarding me the link to the E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay’s translation (The Sovereign All-Creating Mind-The Motherly Buddha:A Translation of the Kun byed rgyal po’i mdo) of this majestic-work. Am most familiar with her erudite skills as another of her books, The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet, was the main source of inspiration for my Bodhi-film, Terma: A Mind Film by Vajragoni. From a traditional standpoint, this tantra (extant in Tibetan) presents and focuses on the Supernal-Mind Teaching of the Primordial Buddha, Samantabhadra, who is personified in the text as Bodhicitta, or the Awakened Buddha Mind. We will shortly discuss how for E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay, the text is better rendered as the feminine-side of the Primordial Buddha, or Samantabhadrī—thus the subtitle of this Blog, The Motherly Buddha. First though, how is Bodhicitta best understood in the context of this tantra? Another resource we will be using side by side with the E. K. Neumaier-Dargyay translation is the Dominantly Superb, The Supreme Source: read more

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Notes from the Iron Stupa: Epilogue

Stupa Image from the Doog Diaries

The Black Ngagspa lost all evil intent after witnessing Schäfer’s Vajrasattvic Empowerment—indeed, it was as if the Sacred Action had suctioned-off any and all residuals of malice—and his role in the scheme of the evil Lord of Agarthi was apparently over, but for one thing…in a twisted maneuver his former Dark Lord had been witnessing these events unfold nearby—such was his astral prowess. He may have lost his novice to the Buddhaic-Light, but he found the prize! At first he was astonished how the long lost substance of the Vril had metastasized into the form of a meteorite statue—but there it was! Lying there in its aquiline prison at the apex of the Iron Stupa was the figure of a hooded monk grasping a strange weapon at his side… read more

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