Tag Archives: Agape

Taste IT


How even the most holiest thoughts
Induce a direct hindrance
To the work of Contemplation read more

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The Cult of Compassion

Bodhicitta is a misused and abused term in our dark age. It has become stripped-down to a mere puddle of mediocrity in the hands of those “do-gooders” who paint the world according to their own misguided assessment and faulty utilization of the term–in effect, it has become hijacked by the “cult of compassion.” Compassion itself used to be aligned with agape—or burning with love for the divine. When employed as such it was a direct channel for divine agencies themselves to intervene in human affairs and apply that com-(with the divines’ own) passionate embrace that alone can assure lasting healing and positive aftermaths. Today it has become a whore and tool of Mara, a fiery cult that masks its true intentions of not providing comfort and reassurance, but rather the employment of hidden agendas of keeping one in bondage and subservient to the evil will of politically-correct overlords who never have the good-will of individuals at heart, but rather their mass-incarceration into a dark-collective, much like the mechanized Borgs of Star-Trek the Next Generation fame. read more

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In the Belly of the Beast

The spiritual-death that the adept incurs in the Dark Night of the Spirit is like joining Old Jonah in the Belly of the Whale. Yet the adept must continue to abide in this dark-confining tomb until the Dark Ray of Infused Contemplation has completed its task and the great day of ascension dawns. What the adept most acutely experiences during this confinement is that even spiritual agencies have abandoned him. On the relative plane even close friends and associations have departed and no longer provide any source of comforting support. Not only this apparent humiliation, but the Dark Contemplation also has the effect of making the adept realizing one’s own abject spiritual-poverty and misery. It’s like hanging over the dark precipice not even being able to breathe. The adept is not even made aware of what is actually occurring, and that is the Unborn Spirit consuming all the deeply-rooted habit energy that has afflicted the adept throughout his entire life. read more

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