Tag Archives: Unborn Mind

The Great Perfection of the Unborn Mind: A Book of Privy Counseling

This is a Book of Privy Counseling for those who are called to the summit of the Great Perfection of the Unborn Mind. There are many teachings within these favorable blogs for those who find themselves along varied means of Mind-development in the Unborn, but what will commence now is among the apex of them all. The forthcoming offerings will be mostly in the form of daily short aphorisms but will also include more lengthy passages when so merited. Let this auspicious journey begin… read more

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Unborn Mind Zen on Vulture´s peak.

Finishing the ritual sharing of the green tea, the Master put down his cup,  picked up his staff and pointed at my face.  The gesture was so fast and perfectly executed,  I failed to see where the staff started and ended up a mere inch in front of my nose as if it had materialized from a seemingly nowhere into a sudden somewhere. read more

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Spontaneous Illumination

Shastra on the Importance of Entering the Path of Spontaneous Awakening

1. I reverently bow before all the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas from the Ten Directions, as well as all Awakened Beings who espouse the Bodhimind.
In composing this humble Shastra, I am aware that, indirectly, certain deficiencies may disrupt the pristine eminence of the True Nature of the Unborn Mind. If this be so, I pray that the intercession of the Blessed Tathāgata may intervene to reveal the unobstructed Buddhagnosis that will lead many to discern the undividedness of their own Bodhimind and Spirit. read more

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This great mystery called Mind

When pursuing your Minds true nature, what you review as precious experience born out of decades of trial and error, is all but an illusion. read more

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The Ten-Thousand Things

One who dwells in dualism,
will be pursued by the ten-thousand things.
Even the most negligible sniff of right and wrong,
and Mind is forever lost in the stench of self-abashment. read more

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(12) The Tathagata

The undivided and real body of the Mind, the Tathagata is unborn.

This “unborn-ness”, is a non-tangible and indestructible essence with a highly dynamic and animative self-nature of sheer productiveness. read more

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Obstacles that prevent Mind’s Quiescence

i.29-34 Obstacles that prevent Mind’s Quiescence

1.29 When the Sacred O is invoked, one-pointedness of Mind is assured as obstacles are rendered dormant. read more

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The last great gap of Hakuin´s log bridge

There is only Unborn Mind. In Zen, as originally taught by the shining ones, this Mind is everything in terms of absolute reality, and no-thing in terms of illusion. It is people who believe the opposite that suffers. read more

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Tozen: The four states of Zen bliss/samadhi by means of Tathagata Zen

A good student asked me;

“If IT (the light) is a feeling, it is not the self. Then how is uniting with a
feeling the right progress (practice)? ” read more

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The Unborn Mind Dharani

The following is another gift from Tozen; a Dharani that protects the adept from all evil proclivities and assures proper spiritual refuge: read more

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