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Tag Archives: Recollective Resolve
Seeds of Lanka in the Classical Style

Illumination (Seeds of Lanka in the Classical Style)
Both music amd images are my own AI creations
Track Listing:
Posted in AI Creations, Buddhadharma
Tagged illumination, Lanka, Recollective Resolve, turn-about
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Recollective Resolve

Deep within the confines of the Second Tower, where only those who have embarked on the path of enlightenment are permitted to reside, the inhabitants are acutely aware of the immense power of Recollective Resolve. This unyielding determination is absolutely essential for them to persevere through the grueling journey towards spiritual awakening. They comprehend that without this unwavering resolve, they may be easily swayed by the alluring temptations that lurk around every corner, threatening to derail their progress and plunge them back into the abyss of their former miserable states of mind.

Asceticism has been discussed in several articles throughout this blog, but I am taking a much broader look at the subject in this series, incorporating aspects of both Eastern and Western thought. The concept of ascesis, derived from the Greek verb άσλέω meaning “train”, is basically one of discipline and training. The related term in the Indo-Aryan language Pāli is tapas (tapa or tapo) which expresses a similar notion but additionally contains imagery of heat and intensity to allude to an intense concentration that is almost like fire. In fact, the complexity of tapas is best seen through its application to ascetic activity. It denotes the hard work required, as well as the magical power and sacredness produced from it. This process allows for the practitioner to be taken beyond a merely human or profane realm. (Tapta Marga Asceticism and Initiation In Vedic India) Without the presence of tapas, spiritual development slows to a crawl. According to the literature, demonic activity can distract from contemplation and leave one feeling cold—icebound in thought. Therefore, in the spiritual psychology practiced in the Egyptian desert, thinking and demons are often considered one and the same.
Posted in Asceticism, Spirituality
Tagged acedia, anachoresis, asceticism, demons, enkrateia, father figure, Recollective Resolve, spiritual mentor, tapas
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Platonic Formulations

Plato is the father of foundational impressions of the soul up to this very day. Plato’s mouthpiece, Socrates, insisted that not only is the soul immortal, but also that it contemplates truths after its separation from the body at the moment of death. Soon afterwards, for the whole of the West “the soul was identified with our consciousness when it thinks and acts with our reason and with the source of our thinking activity and our ethical activity. In short, for Socrates the soul is the conscious self, it is intellectual and moral personhood.” (Giovanni Reale, A History of Ancient Philosophy: From the Origins to Socrates, pg. 202.)
Posted in The Soul
Tagged anamnesis, daimon, Forms, nous, Phaedo, plato, Recollective Resolve, Socrates
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The Fourth Tower: The Shepherd’s Whistle

We are now leaving the active purgative-stage in the journey to the illuminative and passive stage. In Essence, the spiritual adept is now discerning how the Unborn Spirit is taking a more prominent role in the soul’s development.
Acedia: The Noonday Demon

Acedia is best defined as relaxing one’s ascetical discipline to the point of dosing off into a sort of anemic haze, totally abandoning one’s commitment to the Recollective Resolve and surrendering to the subtle attacks of the demon:
Posted in Gnostikos, Spirituality
Tagged acedia, demon of despondency, Gabriel Bunge, Noonday Demon, Recollective Resolve, spiritual despondency
If you weary the spirit with anxiety,
No beings in any of the six realms can help you.
In order for the One Vehicle to awaken you to the Dharmadhatu,
Do not attempt to dispel any sensate obstructions.
Recurring Impressions; Dharmamegha Samādhi
iv. 27-30 Recurring Impressions/Dharmamegha Samādhi
4.27 The subliminal impressions stored in the Alaya-receptacle can rise again due to lapses in the Recollective Resolve.
Obstacles that prevent Mind’s Quiescence
i.29-34 Obstacles that prevent Mind’s Quiescence
1.29 When the Sacred OṀ is invoked, one-pointedness of Mind is assured as obstacles are rendered dormant.
Posted in The Yogasūtras of Patañjali
Tagged Mind, mind obstacles, quiescent mind, Recollective Resolve, suffering, Unborn Mind
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Ascending the Bhūmis
As the garbha-child lay contemplating the awe and beauty of Arya Tārā’s Noble Dharma-Realm, Blessed Vajradhara appeared and produced a Ten-Prong Vajra—one with his face materializing at its hub…
Posted in The Tathāgatagarbhatārā Tantra
Tagged Bhumis, delusion, Recollective Resolve, Tathagatas, Ten Stages, Unborn Light
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