Tag Archives: images


Turn-About and Return to the Root-Source for direct signification;
If you pursue outward appearances you will lose IT. read more

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(2) No Birth, No Death

If your true self is Un-born it will not experience death.
There is no true birth, there is no true death. Only imagined and
experienced as very real through the awesome force of the Unborn Mind
that is caught within its own creation by its own sustaining and
powerful habit-energy. read more

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Don’t take it Personally


One day, the Master addressed the assembly: “All delusions, without exception, are created as a result of self-centeredness. When you’re free from self-centeredness, delusions won’t be produced. For example, suppose your neighbors are having a quarrel: if you’re not personally involved, you just hear what’s going on and don’t get angry. read more

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Coming Soon: The Lankavatarian Book of the Dead

An evolving work based on a triadic marriage between Daoism, the Sacred Tantra, and Unborn Mind Zen. Its scope? Life is one big Bardo experience…an endless repetition of “in-between” states (six bardo realms) of differentiating consciousness circling round and round the True Body of Reality and Kingdom of the undivided-self: the Dharmakaya. The impetus within the Lankavatarian Book of the Dead is to forever erase the fundamental error, the error that lies in always differentiating the images…the endless flow of perceptions that emanate from within your own mind; perceiving the images to be real the clouded mind misses the markless mark of the clear light of the Dharmakaya. One needs to learn to drink freely from the elixir of Primordial Bodhi in order to break the spell of the diseased differentiating consciousness, one that always metastasizes into sentient forms within the six realms of samsara. read more

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Neti, Neti

4. Bloodstream Sermon, Part 3

And this mind, through endless kalpas without beginning, has never varied. It has never lived or died, appeared or disappeared, increased or decreased. Its not pure or impure, good or evil, past or future. It’s not true or false. It’s not male or female. It doesn’t appear as a monk or a layman, an elder or a novice, a sage or a fool, a Buddha or a mortal. It strives for no realization and suffers no karma. It has no strength or form. It’s like space. You can’t possess it and you can’t lose it. Its movements can’t be blocked by mountains, rivers, or rock walls. Its unstoppable powers penetrate the Mountain of Five Skandhas and cross the River of Samsara.” No karma can restrain this real body. But this mind is subtle and hard to see. It’s not the same as the sensual mind. Everyone wants to see this mind, and those who move their hands and feet by its light are as many as the grains of sand along the Ganges, but when you ask them, they can’t explain it. They’re like puppets. It’s theirs to use… It’s also called the Unstoppable Tathagata, the Incomprehensible, the Sacred Self, the Immortal, the Great Sage. Its names vary but not its essence. Buddhas vary too, but none leaves his own mind. The mind’s capacity is limitless, and its manifestations are inexhaustible. read more

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