Tag Archives: chakra

Technique #3: Chakra Stimulation

Question: You just referred to the Sugata-garbha; you also mention in Dhyana Technique #3, or the Chakra Stimulation Technique, that the Sugata-garbha Chakra is the “seat of knowledge from which the subtle energy flow of Unborn Light Reiki empowers one to remain balanced and focused in the Recollective Resolve…and that its quality is one of Primordial, maternal joy.” Are you saying then, in reference to the conclusion of the Binzuru-Ho Technique that one is actually merging with this Chakra in order to effectively stifle the agitation of the skandhas, much like a mother would quieten a troubled child? read more

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The Yoga of Ratnasambhava

1.0 Ratnasambhava is the Matrix of the Jewel

The Ratna-family houses the Jewel of the Tri-Ratna, wherein the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha are the Sacred Refuge whose three-fold character Awakens, Enlightens, and Sustains the Dharma-element in sentient beings. read more

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Powers of Transformation

iii. 21-34 Transformational Capacities

3.21 Through sustained sanyama on the Rūpakaya, the Yogi is rendered indiscernible by the carnally refracted-eye of the perceiver. read more

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