Tag Archives: detachment

A Quality of Detachment


6.1 Duties done and left undone, forgo this game of opposites and the imaginary [person] to whom they are owed. Be detached from such annoyances and turn away from them with an eye of indifference.   read more

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The Praxis of Detachment

Eckhart writes in a treatise On Detachment and on Possessing God:

I was asked, ‘Some people shun all company and always want to be alone; their peace depends on it, and on being in church. Was that the best thing? ‘And I said, ‘No! ‘Now see why. He who is in a right state, is always in a right state wherever he is, and with everybody. But if a man is in a wrong state, he is so everywhere and with anybody. But if a man is in a right state, in truth he has God with him. Now if a man truly has God with him, God is with him everywhere, in the street or among people just as much as in church or in the desert or in a cell. If he possesses God truly and solely, such a man cannot be disturbed by anybody. Why? He has only God, thinks only of God, and all things are for him nothing but God. read more

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The Four Jhāna

Jhana Bowen

As a foundation for the introduction of the Four Jhāna, Evola stressed the twin-disciplines of sīla and Samadhi. The former has to do with “right conduct”, but one that is “more than the limitations of accepted morality.” It is the development of an “internal mode” or mechanism that stands fast at all times and under all circumstances without ever giving-in to any perceived obstacle, in essence, remaining fundamentally One’s Best-Self under all conditions. The latter with its wholehearted one-pointed “spiritual concentration and contemplation” reinforces the former. We are more concerned now at this junction with the higher-ascesis, one that proves itself absolute champion and lord over the skandhas thus transcending the conditioned mind; the Four Jhānas are its gateway. read more

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Four: Detachment

“Furthermore, Subhuti, in the practice of generosity a bodhisattva should be unsupported. He or she should practice all the paramitas without regard to sight, sound, touch, flavor, smell, or any other thought construct that should arise. Subhuti, in this fashion a bodhisattva upholds the paramitas without the supportive notion bearing the mark of any kind of a sign. Why? When a bodhisattva practices the paramitas without the added supportive element of a sign-value, his or her merit will outshine any form of conception. Subhuti, what do you think? Can you measure the vast space extending eastward?” read more

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