Tag Archives: phurpa

The Yoga of Amoghasiddhi

1.0 Amoghasiddhi is the Matrix of Enlightened Action (Karmaprasiddhi)

Freedom from the Karmic-Cycle is through the door of the All-Accomplishing Wisdom, as the Green Light of Amoghasiddhi reveals the Enlightening-Spirit of Bodhi. In such manner are Buddhaic-activities performed. read more

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Amoghasiddhi’s Phurpa Empowerment

Schäfer watched nearby as the entrapped tulpa- doppelganger began to shrink-down to the size of a pinpoint which then disappeared directly into Tara verte’s Urna as she re-materialized before his mind.   read more

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Amoghasiddhi—the Magician of the Phurpa

The world is matter to be transformed to liberate concentrated energy of the Wise Men—a psychic energy capable of attracting the Powers from Beyond, the Superior Unknown Beings, the Lords of the Cosmos. The institution of the Black Order had no political or military significance; its raison d’être was purely magical…(from ‘The Morning of the Magicians’) read more

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