Tag Archives: Unborn Spirit

A Change of Heart

Metanoia, a Greek term, refers to a profound transformation that occurs within an individual, a complete change of heart that takes place deep within the recesses of consciousness. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus the Christ explains that unless one undergoes this inward conversion and becomes childlike, they will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lankavatara Sutra also describes this radical inner conversion as a sudden awakening within the dormant bodhimind of the aspiring adept. In the practice of Unbornmind Zen, the concept of becoming childlike resonates with the idea that the dormant bodhiseed gradually develops into the bodhichild, the developing bodhisattva, who turns away from defiled sensory experiences and begins the process of rediscovering its true essential nature in the Unborn Buddha Mind. read more

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Technique #5: Dragonyana Ho

Question: You have discussed the nature of defiled seeds; what’s the best way to cleanse them away?

Vajragoni: Well, a good way to begin is by practicing the techniques found in Shoden Session # 5, Dragonyana Ho. read more

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Divorced from the Cross of Matter

Vomitus Maximus

Triumph of the Spirit

i.24-28 The Lord of Yoga transcends the trap of temporal manifestations read more

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Differences in Subtle Degrees of Samadhi

Differences in Subtle Degrees of Samadhi

Throughout these sutras Patañjali frequently formulates his approach through the philosophical principles of Saṃkhya-Yoga: read more

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A Blessing or a Curse


“My teaching isn’t concerned with either self-power or other-power: that which transcends both self-power and other-power, that’s what my teaching is about. Let me prove this to you: While everyone is turned this way to hear me saying this, out back there may be sparrows chirping, crows cawing, the voices of men or women, or the sighing of the wind. But, without your deliberately trying to hear every one of those sounds, each of them comes to you clearly recognized and distinguished. It’s not you doing the hearing, so it’s not a matter of self-power. On the other hand, since you can’t very well have someone else do your hearing for you, you couldn’t call it other-power! So, that which isn’t concerned with self-power or other-power but transcends them both is what my teaching is about. Isn’t that right? When you listen this way with the Unborn, you transcend whatever there is. And all the rest of your activities are perfectly managed like this with the Unborn too. For the man who functions with the Unborn, whoever he may be, all things are perfectly managed. So, whoever he is, the man of the Unborn isn’t concerned with either self-power or other-power, but transcends them both.” read more

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Seek Ye Not

The great Rhineland Mystic, Meister Eckhart, expressed the opening of the dark principle in this fashion: “Seek God, so as never to find him”. Eckhart’s statement is packed with dharma-delight; if you’re trying to capture the essence of the Absolute Unknowable (cloaked by the term God), then It will constantly elude your efforts.  The Ecclesiastical authorities of his day could never pin Meister Eckhart down, although they were able to silence his profound mystical writings from gaining any merit within the exoteric church. Yet, his marvelous insights have outlived the Magisterial Monsters of his time and his work continues to shine within both apophatic and kataphatic spiritual traditions. In light of the Buddhadharma of the Sacred Unknowable, the beloved dark pearl of the Unborn Mind cannot be discovered through any obtuse discursive searching, but rather through a way of surrendering all sensate faculties in favor of the supraessential light of unbounded and undivided bodhipower. (The power of the awakened spirit-mind) read more

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The dark contemplation, aligned with the Spirit of Bodhi, descends like a blanket of divine darkness over the sensate and spiritual faculties of the adept. What transpires next is a refined cleansing of both faculties. Firstly, the skandhas are purged, awakening the bodhichild from its former slumber within endless cycles of desire—its eyes now beholding the undivided awareness power of the Unborn Mind. Now forming within the dark-garbha of superessential light, this child’s own Bodhisoul is marked with auspicious qualities of buddhaic grace, thus initiating its own baptism in union with the Unborn Spirit and Mind. read more

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