Tag Archives: Bodhichildren

A Change of Heart

Metanoia, a Greek term, refers to a profound transformation that occurs within an individual, a complete change of heart that takes place deep within the recesses of consciousness. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus the Christ explains that unless one undergoes this inward conversion and becomes childlike, they will not be able to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. The Lankavatara Sutra also describes this radical inner conversion as a sudden awakening within the dormant bodhimind of the aspiring adept. In the practice of Unbornmind Zen, the concept of becoming childlike resonates with the idea that the dormant bodhiseed gradually develops into the bodhichild, the developing bodhisattva, who turns away from defiled sensory experiences and begins the process of rediscovering its true essential nature in the Unborn Buddha Mind. read more

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