Tag Archives: Hatsurei Ho

Technique #10: Hatsurei Ho

Vajragoni: I’d like to conclude our Sessions with a closing comment on Dhyana Technique # 10, Hatsurei Ho. Essentially this technique expands upon Binzuru Ho and is a very thorough cleansing and empowering technique that if practiced on a daily basis will fully engage the presence of the Unborn Spirit in your life as well as foster proper bodhiflow throughout the Chakras as well. It’s divided into three stages. The first stage, Kenyoko Ho, is the self-cleansing stage that expands upon the basic technique taught in Binzuru Ho and effectively disengages the effects of the Skandhas; the second stage, Josin kokyu Ho, empowers the energy channels within the Light Body or Charkas, thus balancing their respective energies; the third stage, Seishin toitsu, is a reinforcement of the second stage by powerfully directing Unborn Light Reiki (UBLR) throughout the rupakaya and Light Body simultaneously. read more

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