Tag Archives: Universal Gateway

The Universal Gateway of the Bodhisattva Who Hears the Cries of the Poor

Those reading this title from Chapter 25 from translations that don’t utilize the sanskrit might not realize this refers to non-other than our own beloved Avalokiteśvara. This entire chapter is in honor of the Greatest (in our own saha-realm) Bodhisattva of Compassion, the Universal-Gateway that invites all the “spiritually” poor, all the lost and forsaken, those stricken with vile diseases and addictions—yea all who are in desperate need of spiritual healing, to come and find spiritual refuge. Yes, Avalokiteśvara is the one who hears and comforts all those who are in physical, mental, or spiritual bondage. Avalokiteśvara is the one who hears the cries of the poor! read more

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