It’s Here…

The following is a composite compilation of the new hermitage


High-loft window known as a roundel



My new hermitage is sold as a unit named “Writer’s Haven“, a selection from a wide assortment of models sold by Jamaica Cottage Shop from Londonderry, Vermont. The process from start to finish was a marvelous one. The hermitage is situated outside my main chambers and will be utilized as my main locale for contemplation and deep samadhis. As you may have gleamed from all this, my main focus will be continually devoted to exclusive spiritual growth and renewal in this eremitical enterprise.

There will be forthcoming this fall a series based on Nagarjuna and John of the Cross based on C.D. Sebastian’s wonderful study, The Cloud of Nothingness, The Negative Way of Nagarjuna and John of the Cross. During the winter months we will be offering a contemplative series on the Lankavatara’s concluding section on the Sagathakam, or Verse Anthology. But, for the most part, my purpose will be devoted to perpetual mystical absorption into the deeper mysteries of the path.

De solitudine


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7 Responses to It’s Here…

  1. Jure Kralj says:


  2. Jonathan says:

    “There will be forthcoming this fall a series based on Nagarjuna and John of the Cross based on C.D. Sebastian’s wonderful study, The Cloud of Nothingness, The Negative Way of Nagarjuna and John of the Cross. ”

    Wow! Looking forward to that!

    What a beautiful little cabin. I am so glad that you have such good circumstances for studies and medication practice.

    • Vajragoni says:

      Thank-you, Jonathan. I’m assuming you meant “meditation” and not “medication” practice. 🙂
      Although spending quality time in the former is excellent Buddhaic medicine.

      • Jonathan says:

        Oh — indeed I did mean meditation. I wrote from my iPhone, and it seems it must have ‘autocorrected’ without my noticing. Thanks for letting me clarify that.

        Do you grow any food on you property, by the way, as part of your hermit way of life?

        • Vajragoni says:

          No. I’m of the “urban hermit” variety and still venture-forth for my essential needs. Although I must say that I’m loving my new hermitage immensely. Even during the day when much outside activity is afoot, the inner-ambiance of the structure muffles-it-all-out wondrously. Of course, the best time of day is early morning when the gentle hum of the valley I reside in provides its own unique nuanced natural sound–much enhanced now in the new setting.

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