Monthly Archives: December 2022

The Messages to the Other Communities of Light

Source: Smyth Helwys Bible Commentary

The Message to Sardis, 3:1-6

Rev 3:1 ‘Write to the angel of the church in Sardis and say, “Here is the message of the one who holds the seven spirits of God and the seven stars: I know about your behaviour: how you are reputed to be alive and yet are dead. read more

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The Messages to the First Four Communities of Light

The next verses entail the divine messages to the Seven Communities of Light—or Light-Bearers, “Bodhisattvas”. This blog will focus on the first four communities. As we shall see the style of these particular verses will be closer to more mundane themes that are less esoteric and symbolic than the rest of the Book. In essence they are prophetic speeches. The following is a map of their representative areas: read more

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A Most Glorious Buddhafield

The author of the Book of Revelation remains veiled in mystery, although scholars mainly concur that he was a Jewish-Christian prophet living in Asia Minor as an exile on the isle of Patmos in the closing years of the first century. It largely forecasts the end of an age, not unlike our own which began in 2012–an age of constant tribulation. I have chosen the translation from the New Jerusalem Bible–most faithful to the Greek text. read more

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Exploring the Book of Revelation

As was suggested by Jonathan in our previous series, this blog will be an exploration of the Book of Revelation (Book of the Apocalypse) in a mystical vein. In seminary back in the early 1980’s, this last book of the exoteric Bible was classified under Eschatology, or a science of the end-times. Although, it was never directly studied on its own since the excessive symbolic language has led to many false interpretations within the Christian milieu. As a biblical resource, The Jerome Biblical Commentary was our mainstay and we will be utilizing some passages of it under its recent incarnation, The [New] Jerome biblical Commentary. This present study could be considered to be an aberration from a Buddhist stance, since in Buddhism, time is cyclical, not linear, (the universe never begins nor ends) making apocalypse both an end and a beginning; whereas the Book of Revelation is decidedly about an ending to linear time, although scripture as a whole does assert that there will be a new heaven and a new earth. The original word in Greek — apokalypsis — refers to an unveiling, a revelation. As we shall come to see it’s not just about the end of the world, but rather an end to a particular cycle in time. Elaine Pagels, in her excellent work, Revelations: Vision, Prophecy & Politics in the Book of Revelation, cites that the writer of Revelation was referring to the way “his own” world ended. read more

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