The True Meaning of the Word

The celebration of the Incarnation, a significant feast in Christianity, brings to light the early infancy stories found in the gospels of Matthew and Luke. These narratives center around the birth of the Christ-child, who is known as the Prince of Peace. Interestingly, there are striking parallels between these accounts and various spiritual traditions that span across centuries. One notable example is found in many Pagan motifs, such as the tale of the Egyptian Deity Horus, who was miraculously conceived by the virgin-Goddess Isis. To protect her child from harm, Isis sought refuge in a secluded place. This motif of a miraculous birth of a long-awaited Messiah can be found in numerous traditions.

It is worth noting that December 25th was chosen in ancient times as the date to celebrate Christ’s birth because it coincided with the birth of the Sun-god, Sol Invictus. This choice served as a reminder that the days of darkness were gradually giving way to the return of light. This connection between the birth of Christ and the rebirth of the sun symbolizes hope and renewal.

In contrast to the belief that the Christos, the anointed-awakened one, needed to be conceived within a human womb to attain salvific merit, the Gospel of John presents a different perspective. It begins by revealing that the Word-Made-Flesh, referring to Christ, was already present from the very beginning of creation. The Gospel of John contains elements of Gnosticism, and there is evidence suggesting that the community that produced this gospel was influenced by the Essenes, a Jewish sect known for their mystical beliefs.

It is important to emphasize that this Eternal Word, as described in John’s Gospel, is timeless and without any form of conception or perception. It is unborn and devoid of attributes, serving as the animating force that precedes everything within the created and uncreated realms, both visible and invisible. This concept challenges the anthropocentric view that the Christ had to be conceived within a human womb to hold significance. Instead, it highlights the eternal nature and divine essence of the Word-Made-Flesh.

From the perspective of Lankavatarian philosophy, the “Word” is not just a mere symbol or representation, but rather a powerful tool that unlocks the secrets of the universe. It is the key that directly points to the Prior and Unmoving Principle, the force that breathes life into all sentient beings and shapes the very fabric of existence. As John’s gospel proclaims, the Word is the creative force behind all things, the very essence of divine power that brings forth life from the void.

This same force, this Prime motionless mover, has been present throughout history, guiding and inspiring humanity in countless ways. It was the Star that led the magi to the Christ-child, the force that empowered the shepherds in the fields, and the energy that inspired the bodhisattva within the heart of Jesus. It is the force that animates all living things, that gives them purpose and meaning, and that draws them back into the primordial depths of the universe.

To those who accept the Word into their hearts, they become Bodhichildren themselves, enlightened beings who are in tune with the divine energy that flows through all things. To those who trust in the Dark Animating Principle, they are born not by natural means, but rather from the very mouth of the Unborn. This is the power of the Word, the force that shapes the universe and gives meaning to our lives.

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