Season of Stillness

By and large our completed series on Zuowang predominately stated that spiritual stability is the main component in a successful contemplative enterprise. This has much to do within Unborn Mind Zen on the Recollection of the Unmoving Principle–one that bypasses the diurnal moving samsaric wheel of dukkha. This is mostly orchestrated in the contemplative dimension of one-pointedness of mind, or Bi guan, thus quieting the mind from all sensory outflows. Also in league with our own spiritual tradition, Zuowang reinforced the notion of guarding the One. To do so without wavering involves ceaselessly recollecting the Unborn Buddha Mind as motionless and undisturbed in the Void. In doctrinal terms this One Singularity of Mind intuits itself and nothing else. This is also known within Unborn Mind Zen as Turning the Light around and protecting the Garbha-child. Essentially this involves an ever-abiding vigilance over the developing Child of Light (Bodhichild). This is singularly unique since the concentrated point of Unborn Light does indeed form mystically into the beloved Child of Suchness. A critical moment wherein the Spiritual-Principle transforms into a spiritual-child of light; from this moment onwards, it is this developing garbha-germ that now resumes the Recollective Resolve. Thus, the adept is really never alone during the Dark Night of Contemplation, as one is pregnant with this immaculate seed of all Buddhas. In terms of a Daoist formulation Qi can now flow smoothly throughout the body and spirit.

This is what the current Season of Stillness is all about–the light that shines within the ever encroaching darkness. Today is the Feast-Day of John of the Cross, our mystic guide into the apophatic regions of the Unborn. He also taught the stability of stillness as a primary component of his doctrine. Amidst all the hectic busyness this time of year it’s good to have a place of stillness where one can retreat into as a haven of stability against all the noise. For myself I retreat daily into my outside hermitage (its gas-heated inside) as a place of refuge—surrendering to the tranquility for two to three hours. Occasionally I also listen to appropriate albums that lend to the necessary quiescent ambience.  The following track is a compilation of two movements from Steve Roach’s album, Dynamic Stillness.

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